Functional Testing for Mobile Apps – Step by Step Procedure

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Every application or software you come across is designed to fulfill some needs and have to meet some requirements. To meet the needs of the users, the developers embed some functionalities in these applications. In order to be useful to users, an application must give 100% results for every function. The only way to test the performance of a mobile app and see if it is ready to be rolled in the market or not is to get it tested by a mobile app testing. This sort of testing is known as functionality testing.

What Steps Are Followed in Functionality Testing?

A lot of mobile app development companies have started to believe that nothing special goes into mobile app’s functional testing and that they can do it as well. However, the reality is bitter and opposite. Testers design functionality testing processes for every app in a different way to meet different requirements. If you still desire to enter into this stream and want to gain some knowledge, here is the step-by-step procedure followed by every mobile application testing company to test whether an app is working to perfection or not

Identify What You Want to Test

The first step is to identify the features and functionalities that you would want to test the application. This step is similar in all sorts of testing that you might come across. Understand the purpose of the application, the audience it is trying to target, and list down all of the features it has along with the end goals of these features. This will help you make sure no feature or functionality is left to be tested.

Prepare the List of Inputs and Outputs

Once you have a list of all the features and functionalities, start preparing the inputs for all of them. Moreover, as you have the knowledge what every function is supposed to do, it is better if you guess and write output against every input as well. This will help you judge the internal processes of the feature as well.

Time to Make Test Cases for Functions

Now, that you are done with a list of inputs and outputs against every function, start making test cases for each functionality. Remember to write each test case with full attention and dedication as these test cases will decide the success or failure of your testing project. Try to write a separate test case for every feature instead of using one test case for more than one feature.

Use the Right Operating System and Environment

It is crucial for you to select the right operating system and testing environment for the execution of test cases. A minor mistake at this point can bring failure for the whole process. Understand the requirements of the application well to make this decision. Remember a mobile application testing company has to work with multiple testing environments so you should be versatile and must not hesitate from testing the application in a different environment and on a different operating system.


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