Gather Network Pushes Digital Monetization to the Next Level

Source Node: 868373

Gather Network uses a hybrid of Proof of Stake and Proof of Work consensus model that allows publishers to monetize their audience by using their computer’s idle processing power to secure blockchains and power the Gather Cloud service.

Monetizing an audience on the web has traditionally been difficult. If a creator or publisher wants to generate a revenue stream using their audience they’re typically forced to resort to a Faustian bargain of serving ads. Instead of bombarding an audience with ads in exchange for revenue, Gather helps its creators utilize their audience for revenue without a single advertisement.

Gather runs in the background of developers’ websites where each user agrees to aggregate idle processing power then distribute it to enterprises for cloud computing and merged mining services. Each time a user visits the website, the user opts-in and with the click of a button becomes a web miner with untapped computing power. The user and the website owner both earn money together, making it a win-win.

Democratizing the News

Today, most publishers not only depend on ads but they rely on paywalls too. For newspapers trying to adapt to an increasingly paperless world, paywalls and ads have grown essential to remain profitable.

Paywalls act as gatekeepers to information about current events. This feeds into the increasing polarization of media and hyper-partisanship running rampant across social media. While paywalls help bolster the media sector’s balance sheet, the reader is now subscribed to an echochamber catered to their views because they’re paying for it. If a publisher distributes content that conflicts with the reader’s views, they will unsubscribe from the platform. Paywalls and ads promote the centralization of knowledge which is not an open and fair source of information for the internet.

The solution to the state of gatekeeping of high quality media outlets is using a scalable, collaborative and predictable revenue model. Gather is unlocking a new type of model for monetization by providing users an open and ad-free environment. All by using excess computing power that would otherwise remain dormant, which is instead used to power Gather Network websites.

Building an Ad-Less Internet

Gather is currently building a multi-layered ecosystem, with Layer 0 being the hardware layer where processing power is harnessed from users’ devices with their express permission.

The protocol layer of Gather Network is where stakeholders are rewarded in yield and incentivized to maintain security. Gather Cloud is the application layer, where the processing power is redistributed to enterprises at lower costs and to blockchain developers to secure their networks without the need of sourcing external nodes.

The native token of Gather Network is a governance token called GTH and its value will be used as a medium of exchange within the ecosystem. However, the payouts to developers and publishers can be awarded in BTC along with other local fiat currencies where applicable. Token holders can suggest and vote on proposals, empowering users with a voice in a new decentralized digital monetization model.

Advertising revenue is paramount to the internet and it’s time the current model was replaced by a more equitable and less intrusive model. Under Gather Network’s digital monetization model, everyone benefits, and no one gets spammed with ads.


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