Generative AI and the Art of Storytelling: What Does It Mean for the Media

Generative AI and the Art of Storytelling: What Does It Mean for the Media

Source Node: 2593892

AI Monday Helsinki is back with another event – this time tapping into the fascinating world of Generative AI and how it is creating new opportunities for modern media.

Generative AI has boomed in the past few months, becoming a game changer in media creation. What opportunities do media companies and businesses have when it comes to utilizing generative AI in content creation? Will Generative AI create a shift in modern storytelling? What trend can we expect in the world of Generative AI going forward?

“Working with Generative AI will be the most important productivity boost for companies in the next decade.”

Tizian Kronsbein, Head of DAIN Academy

This event’s discussion is governed by industry leaders who will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the value of regenerative AI for yourself or your business. The event will be held in a hybrid format, taking place at Tiedekulma at the University of Helsinki and virtually.

We look forward to welcoming you to our event! Spaces are limited, so register today. 

The Speakers:

Hugo Gävert, Chief Data and AI Officer at DAIN Studios, Moderator

Aki Kekäläinen, Lead of Democracy and Digitalization at Yle News Lab, Yle News and Current Affairs
Aki Kekäläinen is a founding member of Yle News Lab. He is leading three teams: Elections and Democracy, AI and Journalism and Co-operations and Experiments. Aki has a long history of using technology and user-centered design methods to make the world a little bit better place. Currently his favorite projects are often about combining the strengths of humans and AI. It can be like getting new superpowers to us mere mortals, but with some tough ethical and moral considerations.

Päivi Ala-Risku, Producer at Helsingin Sanomat
Päivi Ala-Risku is a producer at data desk at Helsingin Sanomat. She works with news automation, tools developing and data journalism projects. She has an M. Sc. in Data Journalism.

Antti Karppinen, Photographer

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