GLM/RLTM Liquidity Pool Launch to Drive Decentralized Computing on the Golem Network and Reality NFT Ecosystem Growth

GLM/RLTM Liquidity Pool Launch to Drive Decentralized Computing on the Golem Network and Reality NFT Ecosystem Growth

Source Node: 2581808

ZUG, Switzerland, April 13, 2023 – The Golem Network is pleased to update you on the progress of our partnership with Reality NFT, a platform that enables users to create, buy, and sell NFTs based on real-world assets. The partnership aims to explore the potential of the Golem Network’s decentralized computing power to support the growth and integration of the Reality NFT platform.

RLTM, which was recently launched as the keystone of Reality NFT, is a utility token with a fixed supply that serves to support its growth and integration. As a technological partner, the Golem Network sees this collaboration as a mutually beneficial opportunity to test how we can help other projects by providing access to computational power.

Through the partnership, the Golem Network has built a solution that helps Reality NFT access blockchain in a decentralized manner. Additionally, the partnership explores other opportunities in which the Golem Network can further assist Reality NFT with computations. More details will be announced soon. The findings from this project will be used to improve the Golem Network’s SDK, test software for bugs, and develop new features.

For Golem users and the community, the partnership with Reality NFT provides a real-world example and an inspirational use case that is a potential success story. Thanks to this collaboration, the community can expect more tasks to be available in the network, further contributing to its growth.

To ensure better access to GLM for the RLTM ecosystem, the Golem Network has created a liquidity pool for trading pair GLM/RLTM that is available for DEX trading. 

“We are happy to see that Reality NFT is using the Golem Network to provide additional value to its users,” said Paweł Burgchardt, CPO of the Golem Network. “This partnership shows that the Golem Network has reached a stage where its platform can be used by external organizations.”

The Golem Network and Reality NFT are excited about the partnership and look forward to creating a brighter future for both of our communities. Further updates will be provided soon.

About Golem Network: Golem Network is a platform born in 2015, with the aim of democratizing access to censorship resistant computing resources. This is facilitated by a cutting-edge protocol that allows users to rent and rent out providers’ idle hardware in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner. The settlement layer of the protocol, fueled by the Golem Network Token (GLM), allows for the creation of a shared and alternative economy where users earn passive income by leasing their computational resources. All these features combined allow developers to build on top of the platform as they’d build on regular cloud infrastructure, without the issues associated with centralized platforms. More information on

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Iago Romero

PR Manager at Golem Network

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