God of War Ragnarok Valhalla Announced with Release Date

God of War Ragnarok Valhalla Announced with Release Date

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Arguably the biggest announcement of The Game Awards came out within the first fifteen minutes. A new DLC was revealed for God of War Ragnarok. It was one of the biggest games ever released and has continued to be beloved by many. The craziest part of the announcement was not that it exists, but that we know when we can play it and it is soon. Here is the God of War Ragnarok Valhalla Release Date.

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God of War Ragnarok Valhalla Release Date

The God of War Ragnarok Valhalla Release Date will be on December 12, 2023.

You read that right. The DLC was announced on December 7, 2023 at The Game Awards and is releasing just five days later. Not only that, but this DLC will be free to everyone who already owns the game. This is literally everything a fan of the series can ask for.

Game companies have had a rough year. They have had a ton of pushback on games that are released without feeling polished or even complete. They have also been accused of just money grabbing without concern for the player.

This type of announcement helps to restore a little faith in PlayStation for their fans.

What is God of War Ragnarok Valhalla

While this is not completely confirmed, it looks like Kratos is getting a Roguelike game. The Valhalla trailer showed Kratos fighting and dying against different enemies and then a voice telling him to go again. There is no doubt that fans of the series Hades are also going to be excited as Kratos killing mods feels a bit like Zagreus doing the same.

If this is the case then it will be interesting to see just how in-depth the gameplay is for this Roguelike version of God of War. Will Kratos get new weapons or be able to upgrade powers? Who will be the boss at the end for him to fight? Will there be story elements to this that matter for the next installment of the series?

All of this will become clearer in just a few days with the release of this DLC.

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