GTA 6 is Going Back to Vice City, But Be Patient, it’s Not Coming Out for Another 4 Years

Source Node: 1857805


in General | Jul, 7th 2021

It seems that with every time Rockstar put’s out another version of Grand Theft Auto 5, more rumors about GTA 6 emerge, this time, they’re being corroborated. So, what’s Rockstar’s plan for their next entry in a series that won’t stop making money? According to the rumor mill, Rockstar plans on taking players back to Vice City. 

The rumors for the next GTA game started about a week ago with a video posted by notable leaker Tom Henderson. The video suggests that GTA 6 is going to take place in a modern-day version of Vice City, which was the game’s setting for its 2003 title GTA: Vice City. 

What Do We Know So Far?

Henderson also mentions that the game is going to contain an ever changing map with the release of DLC throughout the game’s life cycle as the game is going to continue onto GTA Online, this is compared to the way that the Fortnite map changes throughout the seasons of the game, while there’s no confirmation of a battle pass of sorts it does open the door for more questions about how the game is going to work, as another point mentioned by Henderson is the fact that the game is going to expand the map over time, how this is done is something that players are unaware of. Although there are possibilities to how this method of expansion could work out. 

The final mention about the game is going to be that the game is going to release sometime in 2024-2025. As the company is focusing on the well-being of its employees amidst the accusations of employee overwork and crunch time. Hopefully, this is true since Rockstar has been under fire for this issue, according to Henderson this reform in employee morale and work hours has been in effect for the past 15-16 months. 

With all this in mind, it should be reminded that rumors like this should be taken with a grain of salt, however, Henderson has made it clear that he has some form of information about games before, as he had mentioned multiple rumors about Battlefield 2042, with his predictions coming true beforehand.

However, it seems that Henderson might be onto something as his rumors have started becoming corroborated by other journalists, Jason Schrier, mentioned on Twitter on the 4th of July with the statement “Idk why everyone thinks that I said GTA 6 was coming in 2023. Everything Tom Henderson has said about the game matches up with what I’ve heard”

Another source, VGC has mentioned that their information about the game also matches up with Henderson. As it stands to be, while many of the leaks Henderson claims should still be taken with a grain of salt until proven true, some truth might lie within what he’s claimed due to the other people who have corroborated his statements. It’s also no surprise that GTA 6 and the return to Vice City won’t be coming out until years from now, as GTA online is still making a massive amount of money even 8 years after the game’s release. Rockstar wouldn’t want to jeopardize their own income by releasing another GTA game. Until then, all players have is speculation. 


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