Gust Educational Resources for Founders and Startups

Gust Educational Resources for Founders and Startups

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Robert LeeRobert Lee


22 Nov 2022

Throughout the years of developing and Gust Launch, we recognized a common pain point in the startup journey. Founders, the passionate entrepreneurs pouring all of their efforts into building their ventures, had questions about how to properly set up their startups.

They ask those early questions: What should we be doing? How do we set it up? How do we take this idea and turn it into a unicorn? Which then leads to more specific startup questions: How do we issue shares? How do we fundraise? How do we build out our team?

While the software we’ve built is seamless and easy-to-use, some founders want to know up front what they are doing and why they are doing it. In the coming months, we’ll be working on improving how we present our resources to founders and at the center of that is our newest team member, Sarah Rothenberg (say hello! @srrothenberg). A fellow entrepreneur, seasoned in education technology, she has been working on dissecting the founder journey into its key milestones. She has been producing content and setting up a curriculum that will arm you, the busy startup founder, with the tools you need to confidently navigate setting up your startup. Keep in mind, a lot of it is already accessible at your fingertips. Below is an example of how you can begin using this knowledge base right now.

Gust’s Free Educational Resources

A common topic our founders want to know more about is fundraising with SAFE notes. This audience covers a spectrum of knowledge-seekers starting with the first-time founder, to the seasoned multiple startup aficionado, and everyone in between.

Below is a list of progressive resources we have on the topic of SAFEs and how a founder, at any stage of the journey, can navigate through them:

1. Startup Glossary – Where you can look up the definition of a SAFE

2. Frequently Asked Questions – To further explore What is a SAFE?

3. Blogs – The expertise as written by our advisors on the thinking behind the SAFE

4. Webinars – Hosted by our startup experts explaining how SAFEs (and convertible instruments convert)

5. Live Chat Customer Support – Available through the chat bubble (on the bottom right corner) where you can ask a question regarding SAFEs and your own personal scenario

Gust’s Premium Services

As you mature through the startup journey, Gust Launch will provide you more sophisticated tools & education, as you need it:

6. Founder’s Community & CEO Office Hours – For those looking for a forum or community to discuss their own personal experiences with using SAFEs

7. Our Software – Gust Launch will walk you through and help you execute your SAFEs and track them on your Cap Table

8. Legal Network of Startup Attorneys – After issuing a SAFE our legal partners can help you file the appropriate exemption with the SEC

With all of our experience working with startups, we’ve heard every question out there. We are very proud of the wealth of knowledge we have developed and want to share them with you on your journey.

Use the links in the examples above as a guide on how to use each of these resources. You can search for more information about topics you might be interested in, such as: Why a C-Corporation? Why not an LLC? or How Do I Raise Capital For My Startup.

Feel free to dive into it and share it with your entrepreneur network. Happy learning!

Gust Launch can set your startup right so its investment ready.

Gust Launch can set your startup right so its investment ready.

This article is intended for informational purposes only, and doesn’t constitute tax, accounting, or legal advice. Everyone’s situation is different! For advice in light of your unique circumstances, consult a tax advisor, accountant, or lawyer.

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