Hardware-Enabled Security: Container Platform Security Prototype

Source Node: 1860842


Hardware-enabled security techniques and technologies for safeguarding container deployments in multi-tenant cloud environments


Date Published: June 2021, NIST

Michael Bartock (NIST)Murugiah Souppaya (NIST)Jerry Wheeler (Intel)Tim Knoll (Intel)Uttam Shetty (Intel)Ryan Savino (Intel)Joseprabu Inbaraj (AMI)Stefano Righi (AMI)Karen Scarfone (Scarfone Cybersecurity)

In today’s cloud data centers and edge computing, attack surfaces have significantly increased, hacking has become industrialized, and most security control implementations are not coherent or consistent. The foundation of any data center or edge computing security strategy should be securing the platform on which data and workloads will be executed and accessed. The physical platform represents the first layer for any layered security approach and provides the initial protections to help ensure that higher-layer security controls can be trusted. This report explains an approach based on hardware-enabled security techniques and technologies for safeguarding container deployments in multi-tenant cloud environments. It also describes a proof-of-concept implementation of the approach—a prototype—that is intended to be a blueprint or template for the general security community.

Technical paper link is here.

Source: https://semiengineering.com/hardware-enabled-security-container-platform-security-prototype/

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