Hot Sale 2021: When is it and how to participate with your business?

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Yes, you still have time to register your store in this campaign.

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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

The Hot Sale is just around the corner, the online sales campaign will run from May 23 to 31 this year and you still have time to register your business to participate. Until the 17th of this month you can register your company.

What is the Hot Sale?

It is an annual event held and organized by the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), which with funds raised carries out an online / offline marketing campaign with the aim of bringing as much traffic as possible to the main page of the Hot Exits . Later, under a clickout model, customers will find the logos and promotions of the participating companies.

Users who enter the main page will be redirected to the websites of the products and promotions of their interest and the final purchase is made on the page of the corresponding businesses.

How can my company participate in this event?

  • All you have to do is go to the registration page and click on ” Register
  • Next, a form will be displayed in which you will be asked for some information such as: name, surname, company, website, cell phone, email, among others.
  • Choose the sponsorship package of your preference following the instructions. Costs vary so we recommend you review this year’s sponsorship summary here.

Companies interested in joining the campaign must register no later than May 17 through the official website, and complete a validation and review process by the AMVO, which supports purchases made online through the participating online stores.

This will be the behavior of consumers

According to the HOT SALE 2021 Purchase Expectations Report , prepared by the AMVO, in this edition almost 8 out of 10 online buyers plan to purchase a product or service.

It is expected that 14% of potential buyers will purchase products or services for the first time using the digital channel, the rest (86%) have already participated in past editions.

This year’s potential buyer profile is made up of 59% men and 41% women. Most are concentrated between the ages of 25 and 44, and there is an increase in the segment of buyers between 45 and 54 years old.

Electronics and Fashion are the categories in which they present the highest interest, 61% of customers plan to pay with a credit card while 40% will do so with a debit card.


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