Hot Takes on the Top ERP and Inventory Tools

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Scott Scharf is co-founder of Catching Clouds, the leaders in e-commerce accounting that offer a solution for entrepreneurs who struggle with understanding – or even getting – accurate financial information about their business. Scott collaborates with his co-founder and wife, Patti Scharf, who is a CPA that provides the deep accounting expertise, while Scott focuses on leveraging technology in smart and new ways to improve business processes, productivity, and profitability. 

Listen in as we discuss all things ERP, including a review and overview of the main platforms available, what the advantages and disadvantages are of each, and why it’s a good thing that we’re starting to see consolidation among the platforms. Scott also shares his advice for implementing ERP once you’ve made the leap and discusses why you may want to start making a transition to a different platform if you’re on a particular operations management platform.

You’ll learn:

  • What exactly is an ERP? (4:25)
  • How to decide between an all-in-one solution or combined solution. (6:25)
  • When it makes sense to think about implementing an ERP. (9:20)
  • Should you DIY or hire somebody to set up your ERP? (10:40)
  • Hot take segments:
      • Netsuite (15:00)
      • Odoo (18:25)
      • Brightpearl (19:50)
      • Skubana (20:40)
      • (22:00)
      • Webgility (23:00)
      • Katana MRP (24:45)
      • Inventory Planner  (26:55)
      • Finale Inventory (29:25)
      • Locate Inventory (30:20)
      • DEAR inventory (31:05)
      • SkuVault. (33:10)
      • Stitch Labs. (34:15)
      • Cin7 (34:44)
  • Scott’s advice for cloud implementation. (36:05)
  • How is Inventory Planner different from the other platforms? (36:55)
  • What Catching Clouds does and who they serve. (39:30)
  • Scott’s favorite piece of e-commerce tech. (43:35)

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(With your host Andrew Youderian of and Scott Scharf of

What Was Mentioned

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“It really is the choice between a combined solution that is all from one company versus a best-of-breed approach.” – @catchingclouds Click To Tweet
“You have to be able to track what your costs are and what you’re buying.” – @catchingclouds Click To Tweet
“You are 100% responsible for the success of the implementation.” – @catchingclouds Click To Tweet

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