How Bitcoin Casinos Are Helping To Fight The Global Pandemic

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Since the time WHO declared Covid 19 a global pandemic, there has been a record number of deaths around the world. There has been a drastic economic meltdown too. With the healthcare system overwhelmed due to the rising number of serious cases, governments had to close down the borders and order strict lockdowns to contain the spread. For everyone’s safety, most of the people are working from home. In these dynamic times where change is the only constant, Bitcoin casinos have been a particularly helpful resource to provide relief and support to families affected by the Covid 19 pandemic.

We have summarised a few of the reasons how Bitcoin casinos are helping people who are grappling with the negative impact of the coronavirus.

Staying connected  

With so many people locked in to keep themselves safe, online gaming and casinos are helping people stay connected. It reduces stress and also creates excitement and entertainment.  Learning, teaching, and understanding ourselves are also few additional benefits of online gaming casinos. 

Fundraising Campaigns

Many crypto companies came forward to raise funds to fight against the virus. “Crypto vs. COVID-19” and the “Crypto Against Covid” campaign generated funds to aid the government.  Bitcoin casinos encouraged the players to donate the loyalty rewards without having to spend the real money. The Bitcoin casinos generated thousands of dollars and partnered with other charities organization to carry forward more overwhelming fundraising campaigns. 

For gamers, it is an easy and safe way to donate money from the Bitcoin wallet. The money raised is spent on the health supplies in hospitals and other worse affected countries. 

Job Opportunities for many

Apart from the mounting pressures on the healthcare system, coronavirus has deeply impacted the financial sector as well. Many people lost their jobs and factories came to a halt. Many companies and institutions were badly hit by the economic meltdown. At such times of crisis, crypto gaming companies were able to still generate work in the field of crypto digital marketing, crypto-software designing, crypto-currency management, and crypto gaming analysis. People could just work from home due to the centralized network platform these companies use for functioning. Crypto-gaming companies provided the necessary cushioning to curb the negative impact of job loss. 

Provision for processing power

With the coronavirus being very new, it needs a lot of research for finding the right cure and preventive treatment. CoreWeave, the largest Ethereum company in the US provided 6000 GPU’s to the Stanford University research department to run the simulation tools for research activities. 

Summing up

Though a lot needs to be done to bring back the way of life that we all know pre-pandemic, Bitcoin casinos are making tremendous efforts to join the cause. Being one of the few booming businesses during the lockdown, they have made their mark in fighting the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.

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