How can Conversational Automation help your Employee become Productive?

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Nuacem AI
Conversational Automation

An employee is one of the key assets of the enterprise.

The productivity of employees is directly proportional to enterprise success.

Employee productivity can craft or shatter the success of an enterprise.

Employee productivity is a little like breathing. It is very crucial in keeping your company alive & blooming.

Since the past decade, enhancing employee productivity has been one of the top challenges for enterprises, and most organizations are maximizing their investments to improve their employees’ output.

One of the critical bottlenecks of productivity is a regular distraction for the employee.

According to the research, on average, an employee will distract 54 times a day.

Among which, 80% of the interruptions are trivial & completely stoppable.

By providing the best employee experience with the support, get them back to work simply and hurriedly.

It saves around 2hr/day spent by an employee to come back from distraction.

Most of the organizations are opting for Conversational Automation to provide positive support service experiences for the employees to improve productivity.

The Conversational Automation platforms can resolve the issues before employees recognize them. AI Automation & cognitive Automation have enormous potential in increasing employee productivity and employee experience.

“By 2021, 70% of the organizations will assist their employee productivity by integrating artificial intelligence in the workplace.” [ ]

Conversational Automation is a boon for every firm. Companies can use it as an effective method to simplify internal processes, and employees can make the most out of their time at work.

In this blog, we will look after how Conversational Automation can help your employees become more productive.

It is always beneficial to know the basics for a better understanding of the concept.

So, let’s begin!

1. How Chatbots and Email Marketing Integration Can Help Your Business

2. Why Chatbots could be the next big thing for SMEs

3. My Journey into Conversation Design

4. Practical NLP for language learning

The employee productivity calculated by using the below formula:

Productivity = Units of output/Number of working hours

Employee productivity is the amount of output produced by an individual employee in an hour they work.

The more productive the staff is, the more worth they generate for their employers.

Note: Employee productivity should not be bewildered by labor productivity.

If employees are productive, the business:

  • Develop
  • Remains competitive
  • More profitable
  • Meets consumer demand


One employ
ee cannot be 100% productive.

There are several reasons for the employee productivity go down; they are:

  • Ineffective work environment
  • Poor work climate
  • Low employee engagement
  • Poor communication and leadership
  • Training

Now, you got to know the root causes of the decline in employee productivity.

Without spending any more time, let us jump onto the core discussion.

Every day most of the employees need to perform various day-to-day activities for which they need to approach the contact center. Among them, countless tasks distract employees from their primary responsibilities, which are low in complexity but exceptionally time-consuming in amassing.

The tasks can be requesting for leaves, scheduling meetings, logging time-off, and so on will impact the employee’s overall productivity, mainly if the various systems are scattered in the different physical locations.

In today’s fast-changing digital world, streamlining and automating the business process has become a necessity for enterprises if they want to stay ahead of their competitors.

With the help of Conversational Process Automation, enterprises are competent to automate the repetitive & time-consuming process that leads to cost minimization and better productivity & efficiency.

Employees can use a digital agent as their digital assistant for better-performing tasks, and with this, they can decrease the time they spend away from meaningful work.

Onboarding a new employee and speeding him up is a time-consuming process that requires a tedious amount of admin to complete the process.

Following the traditional methods can not be the most efficient way to onboard an employee, and because of which employee productivity will go down.

Conversational Automation (AI-powered Automation) agents come as the savior for the organizations. With the help of digital agents, the companies can minimize the amount of work done by the managers who need to register a new team member to the various services & systems within an enterprise.

The conversational Automation also connects various back-end systems via APIs and enables the entire onboarding process to be managed through a single and easy-to-use digital agent.

As we are doing everything via automated agents, there is no need for human agent intervention. The manager can focus on crucial or complicated strategies that need more attention.

Currently, companies are continually advancing with the latest technological advancements. To keep employees updated about the latest happenings in products, services, and internal procedures will eat out a lot of time & effort.

That is affecting employee productivity indirectly.

With the help of conversational Automation, we can provide regular updates to the employees at their desks.

The companies will send information using digital pop-ups whenever new or updated information is needed to inform the employees.

As the conversational automation agents send the information to the employees whenever required, there is no need for the unnecessary congregation by which the employee productivity will increase significantly.

Giving personal attention to every employee in the organization is not practicable at times, particularly in large enterprises.

To accomplish such a proportion, the company needs to empty its pockets, which entails logistics on an immense scale.

It is where the need for Conversational Automation comes into the picture.

The digital agents use natural language capabilities, data analytics & embedded analytics to know various facets of an employee’s milieu in a move ahead that result in an active support conversation.

The virtual agents will incessantly be trained by building on preceding queries to give timely answers to an individual’s support queries.

This personalized attention & support enhances employee engagement, and that leads to higher employee productivity.

Employee training plays a significant role in finding out how well they are prepared for jobs. The more they are trained, the more productivity they are likely to be.

Think about it!

I think most of you agree with my above statement.

Using Conversational Automation in enterprises will help businesses to migrate all their employee training sessions online.

Once you onboard a new employee, you need to train them to catch up on speed with the existing employees.

It is where intelligent automation Chatbots presume importance.

The bots use machine learning and robotic process automation to provide better training for employees.

Providing advanced training via virtual agents will facilitate a smooth transition for the employee to the new workplace.

With the above-provided information, it’s evident to everyone that conversational Automation will help your employees become productive.

It’s proven that the implementation of AI workflow automation in companies has seen a boost of 39% of their revenue.

Proper utilization of any technology, whether it is AI-based Automation/conversational service automation, will eventually translate into higher productivity.

If you haven’t deployed, Conversational Automation in your workspace, we believe it is the apt time to do so.

For more updates on conversational AI, stay tuned with us.


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