How to keep in touch with clients in an authentic way

How to keep in touch with clients in an authentic way

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Whether you’re reaching out to current or past clients or cultivating new leads, authenticity and human connection are essential, writes The Agency’s Mauricio Umansky.

In my opinion, the greatest indicator of a real estate agent’s long-term success is a strong network of authentic relationships — both with colleagues and clients. After all, buying or selling a home is not just one of the largest financial decisions a person can make, it’s also a highly personal experience.

It’s vital for your clients to rely on you and trust you, too. Building an extensive professional network is essential to every real estate agent’s business. As an agent’s referral network strengthens and expands, so do prospects for consistent and long-term success in real estate, regardless of external factors.

In my new book, The Dealmaker, I share my best tips for cultivating authentic, long-term relationships with clients — here, I’m highlighting a few must-knows. 

Make notes in a way that works for you

When it comes to gathering and recording important little details about current, former or potential clients, I keep most of that information in my head or jotted down in my phone’s Notes app. Find a system that works well for you.

Maybe it’s a small notebook you take to open houses and consolidate info in after potential clients complete their sign-in sheet. Maybe it’s voice notes after you meet with them. Maybe you rely on an assistant to help you organize all your audio and written notes at the end of the day. Find a system and put it into action.

Believe me, when you run into John Smith weeks later and you can recall his name, his children’s ages and what kind of home he’s looking for, he’ll be delighted. You will have earned his respect and hey, you may have earned yourself a new client

This tactic is helpful for keeping up-to-date info on current and former clients as well. It’s all about staying in the know and making it clear to your clients that they are important to you. 

Pay attention 

One of the biggest mistakes agents, and salespeople in general, commit is not paying attention. Treat every client interaction like a sporting event — prepare, wear something you feel confident in and get your mindset right. Lock into your conversations with your clients and challenge yourself to learn as much new information as you can. 

We’re all human, and we want to connect 

In order to build a meaningful, authentic relationship with a client wherein you feel comfortable keeping in touch and checking in — even when there’s no activity on a property or nothing particularly exciting happening in a home search — you need to cultivate a connection that is based on authentic interest. 

Of course, I don’t advise that agents ask invasive questions, but I encourage you to create genuine connections with your clients. Ask them about themselves, get them to share important details about their lives, goals and dreams, and help them feel comfortable with you. That’s when the magic happens. 

Create a monthly newsletter

As an expert on your local market, you should have plenty of fodder for a monthly newsletter. These types of communications can not only provide value for your current, past and potential clients but they are a great way to stay in touch and keep your name top-of-inbox and top-of-mind. Your newsletter can be a mix of lifestyle and real estate info. Do what feels authentic to you.

Consider mixing in a few market-related articles or succinct advice with news on the most popular restaurants, your favorite hiking trails, charitable events you’re participating in soon or great podcasts you want to share. End each newsletter with an invitation to connect — you never know what will inspire someone to respond. 

No matter how you choose to connect and stay in contact with your clients (and potential clients), the most important thing to remember is to come from a place of authenticity. Your genuine care and interest will always come through — and make all the difference. 

Mauricio Umansky is the founder and CEO of The Agency in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram.

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