How to Leverage a Community to Boost Your Product

How to Leverage a Community to Boost Your Product

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How-to-Leverage-a-Community-to-Boost-Your-Product-Blog-IMG-820x320.pngIf you walked by a group of people holding up signs that said “We Love Your Web Tools” would you stop and talk to them, or just keep walking?

In essence, when you are selling a web tool, or SaaS product, but browse past digital marketing communities, you are doing exactly this. It can’t make that much of a difference, can it? In short, YES, hell yes!

The biggest reason I see as to why people walk by, is because they don’t know quite how to leverage a community to boost their product.

It’s hard, I don’t know what to say, I won’t be authentic, I don’t have the time, or It won’t work. These are a few of the silly excuses that come to mind. But what if I can help you bypass all of those excuses, and learn how to effectively leverage a community to improve your product, sales, and loyalty?

It might sound like a big feat, but I’m certain I can do it. Let’s get started.

Read the full article on SaaS Invaders by clicking here!

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