How To Split Items In The Front

How To Split Items In The Front

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The Front has a fantastic inventory system that’s based on slots, instead of weight. However, you will still need to learn How To Split Items In The Front as you’ll be depositing ingredients, materials, and supplies at a dozen different crafting benches and storage chests before too long.

Each slot in your inventory is one slot, literally. It doesn’t matter whether you’re carrying a tank or 200 wood, it takes the same amount of space in your inventory. As such, you’ll often want to stack your items and materials to maximize how much you can carry. Only to find, when you get back home, you’ll need wood on your campfire to cook, your weapon bench to make items, and then your bags to keeping making your base.

How To Split Items In The Front

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Thankfully, dragging items and splitting stacks is incredibly simple. Select the item in your inventory and then hold the RMB (Right Mouse Button). This will allow you to drag the item around in your inventory or place it in a container. Once you place, as long as you are still holding the Right Mouse Button, you will be able to select how much you split once you let go.

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The Front has a fantastic inventory system that’s based on slots, instead of weight. However, you will still need to learn How To Split Items In The Front as you’ll be depositing ingredients, materials, and supplies at a dozen different crafting benches and storage chests before too long.

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