Hundreds Of Billboards Cover Texas’ Capital In Crypto Ads

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Hundreds of billboards covered Texas’ capital in crypto ads as a part of the strategy to increase the awareness for Bitcoin and NFTs as we can see further in today’s latest altcoin news.

The founder Sam Feldman said that he deployed hundreds of billboards with crypto ads around the Texas capital since July with a different message on bitcoin, NFTs, and blockchain technology. The ads are aimed at encouraging adoption and funding as Feldman said:

“Our goal is that this billboard campaign will plant the seeds of understanding that there’s actually something to crypto.”

The project spent more than $624,000 on the existing billboards before launching the sales of the NFTs on Solana and according to Feldman, he plans to use about 70% of the revenue from the sales to fund other billboards and the remainder to go to the team:

“It’s not just that we’re selling people a picture of a billboard. We’re asking people to believe in this idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy of billboards around the world where the more people that believe in it, the more it happens and happens and the more awareness spreads.”

crypto is real
Source Crypto is Real

Austin is already home to plenty of blockchain and crypto companies but also tech companies such as tesla. With a lot of billboards placed around the city over the past seven months, a lot of residents took notice and had mixed reactions. Redditor JIMATX noted:


“Nobody has to put up billboards saying ‘the stock market is real’ or ‘gold is real’ or ‘real estate is real’ because they’re, well, obviously real and have intrinsic value. If you have to buy billboards to convince people your asset is real then maybe it ain’t so real.”

Feldman said though one of the billboard companies asked for a disclaimer similar to the one of a political ad, the path in posting the crypto messages was clear of regulatory hurdles. The team could be looking at Miami and Los Angeles for the future rollout of billboards depending on how the campaign works in the city:

“Our goal is that this billboard campaign will plant the seeds of understanding that there’s actually something to crypto. These short messages […] help people think in a not overly politicized, overly shill way.”

Austin slowly became a hub for crypto companies that are looking for a friendly regulatory environment and lawmakers with Texas Governor Greg Abbott hinting that he wants the state to follow Wyoming’s example in passive crypto-friendly legislation and to become the crypto leader for BTC payments. Most of the miners operating in Texas are currently powering down in a response to a winter storm that passes through the state this week.


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