Innovations of AlphaGo

Source Node: 797265

However, the value of influence depends entirely on context, and AlphaGo relinquishes influence freely when it can be effectively mitigated. In the the game displayed in Dia. 2, one of the most surprising in its oeuvre, AlphaGo has just played an incredible six stones along the second line. Go players have a saying: on the fourth line there is influence, and on the third line there is territory, but on the second line there is only defeat. AlphaGo’s play at first looks deserving of such censure, as these moves give White both strength and influence in exchange for Black’s paltry 4 points of side territory. Most players, unwilling to bear the ignominy of playing the marked stones, would reject this line in an instant. Yet AlphaGo judges it worthwhile to keep White’s stones separated, and in the following exchanges, slowly erodes White’s influence from the top and bottom to secure a winning advantage.


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