Inside Track with Ashley Pugh from DuckDao Digital Asset System

Inside Track with Ashley Pugh from DuckDao Digital Asset System

Source Node: 2609110

Inside Track is a series of podcasts and videos presented by movers and shakers in the world of cryptocurrency. The goal of Inside Track is to educate the listener in various topics, from bitcoin to projects to watch out for, from the future of Ethereum to NFTs, from DeFi to the next big thing in cryptocurrency.

Inside Track are short bite sized shows presented by people who have developed cryptocurrency projects and are hands on in the industry. They are the best people to learn from.

This episode is presented by Ashley Pugh on behalf of DuckDAO. DuckDAO is a community backed incubator powered by the worlds largest network of engaged investors in the digital asset ecosystem.

Ashley is the co-founder of New Kids on the Blockchain an award winning content provider and an expert in crypto and blockchain.

Ashley talks about DuckDAO and why it is different from its many competitors. He also discusses the future of the IDO platform and why the incubator approach that DuckDAO has chosen to take is the way forward.

The IDO market has grown massively in just a few short months. This podcast is essential listening for anyone who wants to understand this phenomenon.

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