Inside Track with Vladimir Tikhomirov from Decentralized Exchange Rubic

Inside Track with Vladimir Tikhomirov from Decentralized Exchange Rubic

Source Node: 2619884

Inside Track is a series of podcasts presented by movers and shakers in the world of cryptocurrency. The goal of Inside Track is to educate the listener in various topics, from bitcoin to projects to watch out for, from the future of Ethereum to NFTs, from DeFi to the next big thing in cryptocurrency.

Presented by people who have developed cryptocurrency projects and are hands on in the industry. They are the best people to learn from.

Inside Track are short bite sized presentations with the objective of allowing the listener to learn from the best in the industry.

This episode is presented by Vladimir Tikhomirov from the decentralized finance platform Rubic. He talks about Rubic and its exciting future. He provides his vision on decentralized exchanges and in particular the key differences between Binance Chain and Ethereum. He discusses the evolution of Bitcoin and what it is going to take for mainstream adoption of DeFi. Finally he shares some of his favorite projects with us.

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