Introducing Mini Degens with a Live AMA

Source Node: 1093085


Mini Degens is a gaming project with blockchain and NFT integration based on the Binance Smart Chain. It is a classic fantasy action-adventure MMORPG video game currently being developed by Mini Degens developer Ojin Timothy. The game style is a Play to Earn (P2E) enabling users to make in-game transactions with $MiniDegens tokens. In-game items will be made into an NFT enabling unique and rare items! The gameplay-style is to be similar to classic games including the likes of The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Baldur’s Gate, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger etc.; but integrating multi-player features of more modern games such as RunesScape, World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls.

Starting off, the project whitepaper is almost finished, detailing all important information about our project, the tokenomics and the use case. This builds a solid foundation for our project and enables us to attract more serious investors.

Medium posts will begin alongside the whitepaper, broadcasting our project to millions of readers around the globe. We intend to write frequent articles detailing any major updates and to clarify any speculation relating to the project and its themes.

AMA planned for Monday 4th October with an investors group; Crypto Believers. The format of the AMA will be text at the request of Crypto Believers.

We stressed the importance of not panicking during the dips and price fluctuations. “Buy low, sell high” scalping often fails and halts momentum leading to lower base-price.

The project started with just one individual roughly two months ago. The initial idea for the name ‘Degenerates’ was decided to represent users who ‘Ape’ in carelessly into projects without reason. The initial project was therefore launched with a 1% tax. After the team grew and the project attracted new investors, the Devs came together with the idea of a game.

There is a lot of hype in the community and the project attracted a number of serious investors from the get go.

The team is doxxed and prides itself with transparency. Liquidity is locked and proof is available through our website and pinned messages in our Telegram group.

The Devs & mods have prior experience working in important roles in a range of crypto projects before starting with Mini Degens. Please ask each Dev for details regarding this.

The new website is available now, though please note this is still in development and likely to undergo some changes. A wiki-page is available with technical information regarding the project and contains a project roadmap.

In Q4 we expect to see the Alpha game release enabling early investors to trial the game and provide feedback. We will also release gameplay videos and commence heavy marketing.

A marketplace will be available in the game to enable trading. The game will enable trading of every item as an NFT. Rare limited in-game items will be available during presale with access limited to early holders. Whilst the game is accessible to everyone, it will heavily focus on a ‘Pay-to-Play’ environment.

A number of ideas have been circulating the community and the devs listen closely to what the community wants. The roadmap will be updated when great ideas make it through to the hands of the dev.

We have a number of “whales” holding a large number of tokens. The first 5%+ wallet is the marketing wallet! The marketing wallet is manual as the usual auto-selling feature wasn’t integrated into the contract, therefore there are sell transactions from time to time from the “dev” wallets. Don’t worry, the most suitable time to sell is decided with care.

A number of large holders have been in since the start and there are no (or very few) sales from these addresses. The largest non-marketing wallet has actually never sold and seems to only buy dips. So.. Do not panic!

Whales have fortunately declined over the past few weeks — likely investors trying to make quick profit during our launch phase. This paves the way for us to have a smooth journey into moonland.

Although there are a few large wallets, we NEED to get these split as soon as we can. This brings complications for growth and looks attractive to new investors. Please contact the devs to get this done and arrangements can be made.

We are aiming for a long-term project where we will attract serious investors. We trust the process, devs and community heavily and know that we will release a great game. Building a great game takes time, so we don’t want to rush.

We want to avoid pump and dumps so haven’t engaged in heavy marketing from influencer investors, this is to avoid the project crashing before the game is even released.

We have chosen an alternative marketing method through AMAs to attract more long-term, serious investors. Influencer marketing will come after Beta release to push our project that extra bit at launch.

The AMAs will be in a number of large investor communities. Due to the diversity of the team, we are able to also have AMAs in Turkish groups — a big market in the crypto-space.

Everyday we have new members join the group. We have grown from 5 to 700 members in the space of a month and have grown organically which is fundamental for the longevity of this project.

Manager: MJ
MishaaLove (@MishaaLove1)
Founder / Dev: Ojin Timothy (Mini Degens)

When we get to $1M [MACP] — will any new devs be employed to work on the game quicker?

The current developer is working very well on the project and it will be down to him to introduce new developers if needed

When will NFTs be released?

Most likely after Beta version as they will be integrated into the game. Funds from NFT sales will go into the LP and marketing wallet.

Can we buy NFTs with MiniDegens? Or other tokens?

There may be different sites / mechanics involved in buying NFTs — we will need to investigate how this integrates with our ecosystem.

Is there an exact NFT platform for trading NFTs?

We are not sure about this yet — it will be passed to the developer.

Wen moon?

Haha… well, the FULL potential of the project may be seen within 6–9 months (not a long time at-all).


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