IPR Trivia (Quiz Competition)- IP EXPO 2.0

IPR Trivia (Quiz Competition)- IP EXPO 2.0

Source Node: 2569477

As mankind evolves and creates leading to development and progression there are certain challenges it comes across. The innovation can be used by others for more advantageous and beneficial profits.

The need for IPR basically arises as there is a need for new innovations and inventions rather than repetitive mechanisms in lifestyle, these new innovations result in the emergence of new job opportunities leading to economic growth. It also provides the creator certain rights and safety towards their creation and minimal interference by other parties. IPR is a splendid way of protecting and safeguarding the creators’ interests and ideas.

The IP Press brings forth: IPR Trivia

Navigating through the intellectual property rights, we bring forth this trivia where we put across the questions regarding IPR and its intricacies how vast the world of IPR is, and what it needs.

The trivia would revolve around the world of IPR and would comprise questions from Copyright, Trademark, Design, Patent, and Geographical indication.

Date: 22nd April 2023


The trivia is based on the basics of IPR.

The trivia would be divided into 2 rounds:

  1. MCQ quiz
  2. Rapid Fire Round

Round 1: The elimination round

It would consist of 20 questions. Every correct answer would be marked as 10.

Only the participants who will qualify for Round 1 would proceed to Round 2.

Round 2: The final round

The top 5 participants qualifying for Round 2 would have 10 questions each for 20 marks.

The trivia would be conducted through Google Meet.

The participants are supposed to keep their cameras switched on throughout the duration of the trivia.

How will it be conducted?

  • It will be conducted on Google Meet.
  • Round 1 would be conducted through a Google form.
  • The results of round 1 will be announced as soon as the round will be over at the meet.
  • Round 2 will be a live rapid-fire round in the presence of judges and the team.

Eligibility criteria

All law students of 3-year/5-year courses or LLM are eligible to participate in this trivia.


  • 150 /- for single entry
  • 250 /- for double entry


  • Amazon Vouchers to the TOP 2.
  • Certificates to all the participants.
  • Internship Opportunity to TOP 5 with The IP Press.
  • Recognition on social media
  • Discount on future courses by The IP Press

Registration Details:

There is a participation fee of INR 150/- for a single participant and INR 250/- for a team of two, which will be paid through the following link https://rzp.io/l/hS4Oo1Dl attach the screenshot of the same when registering through this link- https://forms.gle/abMUdvWEypmmVbYw9.

For more details of the IP EXPO 2.0; click here.

For the event brochure, click here.

Contact us at

For any further queries contact us at theippress@gmail.com

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