Iran Revolutionaries Issue Red Alert

Source Node: 1757308

Mass protests continue in Iran in a semi-revolutionary atmosphere with footages coming daily from there to show crowds marching.

Steel workers have joined in strikes, the latest to do so in a country that demands the end of theocracy.

Battles have been raging up and down the country, with protesters mostly using stones but more recent rumors suggest some of them have been armed with AK 47.

The theocracy’s brown shirts, called Basiji, have been videoed shooting at the crowd in numerous instances. Often they have been outnumbered and over-run. That may have allowed the protesters to take some of their weapons.

At the United Nations, a draft resolution condemning the theocracy on human rights grounds has passed by 80 votes in favor, 28 against.

What that will achieve exactly is anyone’s guess, with it up to the Iranian people to self-determine their own governance.

In that regard, a red alert has been playing up and down the country in cities and towns across Iran.

Protesters are concerned the 15,000 arrested mostly young men and women will be executed as apostates in a country where the wearing of the hijab and the practice of Islam is mandatory under the threat of state level punishment.

This harsh puritanism became even more strict at a time when the Iranian economy is undergoing a Great Depression.

The underlying fundamentals therefore were and remain ripe for this sort of uprising as people have no hope and they blame the theocracy for it.

That theocracy however has not given even one inch, yet appears to understand the situation is sufficiently serious and sufficiently widespread to not bring out the army, whichever one, as it might lead to a catastrophe.

The protesters therefore have been given room, or at least so it appears, probably because the elite itself is thinking whether it is time to retire the theocracy, at least some elements of it.

This is a crossroads time for Iran. The country can not continue without fundamental changes as its economy is on its knees.

All we can do is watch and see what the Iranians decide for their own country, and give them a poem, our very own. It’s called the Autumn of Hope:

For years so watched, in cover black
The mulla’s stern, of frozen steg (stag)
in uniform to road at home, at university and globe,
such timmes gohooone.

In spring of day, this century
music runs, like honey bee
through windows wide, the globe around
I too am free.

So turn your volume, up some more
to hear nanat and feel no more
but vibe of space and vibe of be

In suns of autumn, guns so beat, against the music’s, louder heat
and battles fought, epic galor
a spectacle gloobe
hijab flies no here.

This heart has gone, to pleasanteer
where normalty, for everyone
without the cover, of the old
ideologies, that chain our love.

So speaks this pen, to cosmos wide
helpp the young that today fight
and grace them with, the yellow stone
a million angels, for the throne
of liberty.

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