Iran Threat: Israel Disappointed by Weak US Position

Iran Threat: Israel Disappointed by Weak US Position

Source Node: 1926482
Israel wants tougher US position on Iran (Archive: Gage Skidmore)

Israel failed to convince President Joe Biden to step up American pressure on Iran, a senior defense official told N12 News. Notably, Biden did not commit to any military option against the Iranians to stop their nuclear project.

The US president did not offer any practical steps to ease Israeli fears about Tehran’s nuclear program, ex-military intelligence chief Tamir Hayman said. Biden also failed to provide clear answers about America’s next steps, veteran journalist Ron Ben-Yishai wrote.

The visiting American president made no mention of Hezbollah either despite escalating threats on the Lebanon front, military reporter Yossi Yehoshua added.

Meanwhile, IDF Chief Aviv Kochavi ordered the army to speed up preparations for an assault on Iran, and set a target date for full strike readiness, N12 said. According to the report, Israel also remains on high alert for a potential Iranian attack.

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