Is Poker a Game of Luck or a Game of Skill?

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Even though the general idea about Poker is that it is a game based on luck, it is completely untrue. People usually think that Poker is like every other casino game and is a great lot of luck is involved in it. But the truth is, unlike Blackjack, slots, and other games in the casino, Poker takes a lot of skill to master. It does not only depend on what hand you get but also on how you play them and how you play your opponents. If someone is visiting the gambling life for a day or two, Poker for them can be a game of luck. But if you are a permanent resident of this world, Poker is as technical as it gets. 

Here are a few reasons why Poker is more a game of skill than luck. 

1. Poker is Played Against Other Players

One of the reasons why Poker is a game of skill is that you have to play it against other players. Not against the house. When you are playing against the casino, the casino has a house edge. Most of the other casino games are played against the house. These games are more dependent on luck. But in Poker, it’s not just luck. It’s also mathematics, statistics, and stone-cold nerve. You can win one or two games of Poker based on luck. But in the long run, you have to be able to surpass the other players. It is not enough if you know how to play the game. You also have to play your opponents. And that is why Poker is a game of nerves and skill. 

2. Luck Doesn’t Pay Off in the Long Run 

If you are an occasional gambler, and you want to dab into the world of Poker for a time or two, you are more than welcome. You will also probably luck out and might win a few hands. That’s how most Poker players are. But if you are a player that is looking to stay in the game for a long time, then your luck is not going to be of much help to you. Poker players that have been in the game for a long time know that the odds are not always in their favor. But the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t really matter in the long run. In the end, the person with the sharper skills is going home victorious. 

3. Mathematics and Card Counting 

One of the greatest things about Poker is that it involves mathematics. It is well known that casinos hire brilliant math graduates so they can make their casinos a stronghold. No casino owners want players to walk away with a lot of money they won easily. Your poker skills are not going to develop in one day. But if you know your math, you will have an advantage over first-timers from the beginning. And on top of that if you know card counting and can predict the hands of other players, a stroke of bad luck is not going to stop you. 

4. Knowing when to Bet

It does not matter if you are playing Poker or any other casino game. You have to know when to bet more or less money. In other games more dependent on luck, it’s better if you bet less when you are going through a losing streak. In Poker, you should bet less money when you are at a statistical disadvantage. If the statistics are in your favor, however, you can increase your bet. If you bet your money correctly and make well-thought-out decisions, you can learn to play poker like a pro in no time at all. Poker is all about taking advantage of your opponents. That is how you win in this exciting game. 


In conclusion, we can safely say that Poker is not a game of luck. At least not in the long run. It does matter what hands you get in the game. But what is more important is how you use that hand to your advantage. Good cards will only get you so far in a game of Poker. This is why professional poker players do not care for one or two games. They make the game continue with their incredible skills without letting the opponent understand what hit them. They might think it’s bad luck, but most of the time, it is another player controlling the game. So it is important to know your Poker before you sit at a table with the professionals.

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