Israeli Air Force 2023 Plans Focus on Operations in Iran

Israeli Air Force 2023 Plans Focus on Operations in Iran

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Israeli Air Force 2023 plans focus on Iran (Archive: IAF/ CC BY-NC 2.0)

The Israeli Air Force presented its 2023 work plan to senior officers last week at the Nevatim airbase. The plan’s main objective is to step up all preparations for operating in Iranian territory.

Efforts will focus on bolstering air power and capabilities to respond to emerging threats, the Air Force said, using this vague phrasing to refer to nuclear and other dangers posed by Iran.

Among other things, the Air Force said that it will receive additional deliveries of F-35 fighter jets and unmanned aircraft. Both are set to play a key part in a future strike in Iran.

To further enhance operational readiness, Israel will further expand aerial exercises abroad with foreign armies. This will help to prepare pilots for long-range operations in unfamiliar regions.

29 new drone operators

The 2023 training program will carry crucial importance, the Air Force said, in another hint that an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is a real possibility. The plan was presented in detail to key officers including squadron commanders and deputies, department chiefs, and heads of Air Force branches.

In parallel, the IDF just qualified a new batch of 29 drone operators that completed an intensive 6-month course. This will enable the army to expand the operations of its rapidly growing drone fleet. Israel is investing large resources in bolstering its UAV and robot power for future battles.

Another priority for the Air Force is to boost cooperation with the Navy, Intelligence Division, and other defense arms. An assault on Iran will require coordination across the military and deployment of a wide range of tools, including naval assets and cyber warfare.

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