Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD) For SaaS

Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD) For SaaS

Source Node: 3076377

The Jobs method is a proven way to become hyper-focused on the desired outcomes of your potential users, not what product or service people are currently buying. After all, that approach has only gotten you this far. The only way to uncover unmet needs that new customers are willing to pay for is to understand why they hire a solution to solve a problem. 

As Theodore Levitt, the late Harvard Business School professor, famously put it, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” Take that a step further, what people want is a fast way to put a picture on the wall when redecorating.


The only way to really know this to rigorously put primary research into a Jobs analysis. What is this group of people trying to accomplish and under what circumstances? 

When you work with Inturact, your entire team will be pushed to think beyond the walls of your current product and customers. Together, we’ll reimagine what unmet needs are out there, just waiting for someone to discover. Not only will you have a customer-centric product roadmap, but you’ll have an entire go-to-market plan with clear next steps for your marketing copy, design updates, blog content, and more. 

Then when you are ready, we can help design and craft for you a winning blog and high-ROI ad campaigns.

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