June Medical to supply 1,600 US hospitals with retractor devices

June Medical to supply 1,600 US hospitals with retractor devices

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June Medical, a UK-based medical device distributor, will supply 1,600 US hospitals with its Galaxy II self-retaining surgical retractor April 15, 2023.

The device, originally designed for gynaecological and urological surgery, has a self-retaining cam lock system, and allows single-handed adjustments without screws. Removing reliance on assistants to help hold sites on the body open allows greater flexibility for personnel tasks in the operating room. Galaxy II comes in multiple frames with sharp, blunt, and semi-blunt hooks and is now used by a plethora of surgical disciplines.

“We are delighted to partner with this prominent US hospital group to provide surgeons across the US with the Galaxy II [which] has been meticulously designed to overcome the challenges of traditional cumbersome devices, improving the safety of surgery for all, and we are pleased with how well it has already been received by the organization’s hospitals and advisory board members,” said Angela Spang, founder and owner of June Medical in a statement.

According to the company, production of the devices has been unaffected by supply chain issues. Numerous bottlenecks are preventing the widespread rollout of many medical devices across the industry, and this declaration by the company adds to a growing sentiment that one way to improve supply chain resiliency is the production of medical devices that are available in a range of versions that increase usability in different disciplines. “It is easy to support British innovations when they are this popular with customers in North America. The Galaxy II device is not just better for surgeons, it is also better for the environment and for American patients, with cost savings and a safer design,” said Richard Hyde, His Majesty’s Consul General in Texas, Department for International Trade.

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