Karl Bray appointed Director of Product at Luckbox

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Karl Bray has been appointed Director of Product at Luckbox.

With an extensive background in gaming, sportsbook and financial trading, Karl joined Luckbox in 2018 with a remit to define Luckbox’s overall User Experience strategy across all desktop and mobile products.

In his new role as Director of Product, Karl takes over responsibility for Luckbox’s long-term product growth strategy — while also redefining the Luckbox brand identity and overseeing marketing initiatives and promotions.

Karl — who has previously led product design and branding functions at Full Tilt Poker and Ryanair — said: “As an esports fan, I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity.

“What we achieved in building a bespoke betting platform from scratch so quickly proves the depth of talent, adaptability and endurance of the entire Luckbox team.”

Luckbox’s Director of Product Karl Bray

The immediate focus will be aligning development teams and senior management to define a product roadmap that innovates further on Luckbox’s feature-rich platform.

Karl said: “In many ways, we feel we’ve just scratched the surface of what an esports betting platform should deliver for players. This industry changes quickly and we know how important it is to react to new opportunities.

“We’re still driven by a simple ethos. At our core, we’re a group of gamers and esports fans who understand that esports bettors have very specific wants and needs from a betting experience.

“With the team we’ve built at Luckbox, we know that nobody is better placed than us to deliver our vision of ‘Esports betting done right’.”

CEO Quentin Martin said: “Karl has played a crucial role in what we’ve achieved so far at Luckbox.

“His gaming experience and industry knowledge are terrific assets for Luckbox and this step is richly deserved.”

Karl Bray appointed Director of Product at Luckbox was originally published in Luckbox on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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