Launching Our Resources Page! 🚀

Launching Our Resources Page! 🚀

Source Node: 3050096

January 6, 2024

Launching Our Resources Page! ðŸš€

An item from a K-12 blended learning organization.

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Introducing our new Resources page!

NEW! Introducing Our Resources Page

Our partnerships are successful because we know that school improvement efforts are complex and require a throughline between data measures, instructional shifts, and leadership practices. Our research-based frameworks and resources provide structure for our collaborations, enabling them to be dynamic, impactful, and tailored to partner strengths and needs.

We’re excited to introduce our new Resources section on our website, organized into three key categories: DataInstruction, and Leadership. We invite you to check it out today! We’d love to hear what resonates with you or what new additions you’d like to see in 2024 to help improve student experiences and outcomes in your context.


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