Learn, Buy, HODL, Repeat: 4 Habits To Achieve Freedom With Bitcoin

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You are the only person who can take care of your money future. To do that, you’ll have to make the right decisions. The best way to make the right decisions is to work on reducing your ignorance throughout your life.

In life, it is ignorance that costs you money.

Ignorance will cause you to make mistakes, but it will also cause you to miss out on incredible, life-changing opportunities like Bitcoin. Your goal should therefore be to learn more and more about the economy, money, and Bitcoin.

That means reading. Read a lot and use every opportunity to increase your knowledge. Your goal should be to become a better version of yourself by at least 1% every day.

Over time, this will make a big difference, because you will have put the magic of compound interest to work in your life. This is the famous Always Be Compounding rule that will help you become a successful person.

Once you learn more about the current monetary and financial system, you will understand that Bitcoin is our best chance for a better and fairer system for the many in the future.

Your only obsession after that will be to accumulate more and more BTC to win the accumulation game that is Bitcoin.

You’ll adopt the best strategy to take full advantage of Bitcoin: buying BTC in DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) mode automatically. This way, the number of BTC you will own will only increase over time without you realizing it.

Your money future will be protected by the best savings technology in the world. You’ll realize over time that the only number that matters with Bitcoin is the number of BTC you HODL.

Buying Bitcoin is the first step on an extraordinary journey that will lead you to a better money future. A future where you will be able to live your life on your own terms.

To get there, you’ll have to do more than just buy Bitcoin. You have to become a Bitcoin HODLer no matter what.

This means keeping your BTC in cold storage and thinking long-term. The rising price of Bitcoin in U.S. dollars should not make your head spin. You need to keep your emotions in check in any situation. Your goals with Bitcoin are long-term.

This winning mindset with Bitcoin will help you avoid panicking when the price of Bitcoin fluctuates wildly. Bitcoin’s price volatility is a feature, not a bug. You will take advantage of this to strengthen your positions as a good Bitcoin HODLer.

Someone who truly understands the liberating power of Bitcoin is bound to become a Bitcoiner. That’s my belief, and that’s what history teaches us every time we see a former Bitcoin opponent become a Bitcoiner once they understand Bitcoin.

From the moment you understand Bitcoin, you will feel compelled to repeat the virtuous cycle I just revealed.

You will continue to learn more and more about Bitcoin, which will only strengthen your belief in the incredible future that awaits the digital currency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto.

You will buy more Bitcoin and continue to HODL no matter what to protect your money future.

Source: https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/learn-buy-hodl-repeat-4-habits-to-achieve-freedom-with-bitcoin-c8202a9a436c?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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