LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist After Week 3 – Goodbye My Karmine, Goodbye My Rogue

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist After Week 3 – Goodbye My Karmine, Goodbye My Rogue

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We are before the Winter Playoffs, so the LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist has 2 less teams to talk about (sadly).

The Regular Season of the 2024 LEC Winter Split is officially over! 8 teams have qualified for the Playoffs, as Karmine Corp and Rogue didn’t get enough wins to progress to the second stage. However, props to Karmine Corp, as they scored 2 wins just after getting eliminated – with one of them being Team BDS, who held the 1st spot up until the last day of the Regular Season.

Still, the LEC marches onward with Bo3’s and Bo5’s, and we ought to have a look at how the power rankings changed after the Regular Season – without KC and Rogue, who stay at the 10th and 9th place for the remainder of the season.

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist After Week 3

  1. Team Heretics (-5)

Team Heretics likes to jump up and down the tierlist: after the first week, they leapt from 6th to 3rd, but after an 0-3 weekend, they fell down to the last place of the Playoffs power rankings – coincidentally where they qualified to the second half of the Winter Split.

In the last round of the Regular Season, Team Heretics couldn’t outweigh the biggest issue they have: the inconsistency of Perkz. Even though their midlaner has been one of the best players of the LEC historically, he was incredibly underwhelming with an 0/7/1 statline on Monday, failing to recuperate from the early aggression of Fnatic.

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

This is not just a Week 3 problem: Perkz has been shaky ever since he joined Team Heretics. While Flakked and Jankos are trying their best and Wunder and Kaiser aiming to rise to the occasion, their mid (and by extension, mid-jungle duo) is their weakest point – something that few Playoffs team have, and most can punish.

  1. GIANTX (+1)

GIANTX is back where they were after Week 1 on our Tierlist. They finished Week 3 with a 2-1 scoreline, but they played against Rogue and struggled for quite a bit until they could destroy their Nexus, and even if RGE didn’t really fight back, Odo and co. took their sweet time. They also lost in almost record time against G2 Esports.

But their bout against MAD Lions KOI was impressive. Weirdly, the most troublesome part of the MDK draft was Myrwn’s Fiddlesticks top, but they neutralized Fresskowy and Elyoya completely, while also making it incredibly hard for Supa to scale. Still, GIANTX looks a bit disorganized and very inconsistent – and they fail to peel for Patrik who’s almost always in a good spot. Stronger teams can exploit these mistakes incredibly easily, and the Playoffs should only have strong teams.

  1. Team Vitality (0)

Team Vitality had a quieter round similar to Week 1 – although they managed to score a victory this time around. They also defeated Team Heretics in a hard-fought, almost 50 minute match, but Carzzy and Vetheo pulled through. Even though they lost against MAD Lions KOI and SK Gaming, they have showcased some flexibility – finally.

Team Vitality’s biggest issue is that they are not always on the same page and same performance. When everything clicks, they can beat anyone, but when it doesn’t (which is more frequent), there’s always one member having a subpar performance. Hopefully they have a Playoff version, or they will struggle against the likes of G2 Esports and Team BDS.

  1. SK Gaming (0)

While SK Gaming fell from the number 1 spot that they achieved after Week 1, they solidified themselves as a middle of the pack team by the end of the regular season. They defeated Team Vitality, but had some very quick losses versus G2 Esports and surprisingly, Karmine Corp. However, this was not the KC that went 0-7 before, and Nisqy and co. don’t have to face them anymore.

This opportunity provided SK Gaming with valuable experience as well. They can’t always rely on Nisqy to carry games and put his teammates ahead, and that they’d do better to put Irrelevant on weakside. If they can become a bit more efficient in the early game, SK has a shot to make top 4 two Winters in a row.

  1. MAD Lions KOI (+3)

MAD Lions KOI jumped a few spots compared to last week – and even if they’d went 0-3, they’d be the most stylish team in the LEC thanks to Myrwn. The Spanish madman picked Varus and Fiddlesticks top and won with the former, while had an incredibly fun to watch match with the other. MDK also managed to defeat Team Vitality with a proper draft and controlled play.

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

MAD Lions KOI have exceeded all expectations since joining the LEC, and they surprised even the best team with their aggressive playstyle and spicy picks. They are becoming a fan favourite quickly, and if they can replicate their performance in the VIT match, they could be able to take on the best of the best.

  1. Fnatic (+1)

The black and orange squad is slowly creeping back to the top of the standings, but they are not quite there yet. They also didn’t have the best Week 3, as both MAD Lions KOI and G2 Esports defeated them. However, against Team Heretics, they had a very strong showing with both Humanoid and Noah being in MVP form.

The reason why Fnatic is this high on the list is that they basically only have one issue: their botlane. Noah had some lacklustre performances and Jun is not working perfectly with the team yet. If they can iron those issues out, they will be able to contest the throne – and that’s not that big of an “if” based on their match against Team Heretics.

  1. Team BDS (-1)

How can you have a 7 match winstreak and then lose against Karmine Corp?! Team BDS have managed to lose the first spot on both our Tierlist and the LEC Winter Regular Season due to having a bit too much fun and not focusing. After defeating Heretics and Rogue, they managed to lose against the worst team in the league… Which is the true sign of a champion!

Jokes aside, Team BDS have shown that they can switch up their style in 2024, something that they couldn’t last year. They can be very strong early, Adam’s picks are still very hard to deal with and nuc’s in the form of his life. There’s only one obstacle BDS couldn’t overcome, but must if they want to be the best.

  1. G2 Esports (+1)

And that’s the Kings of Europe, G2 Esports. Even though we started to doubt them – especially after Mikyx said that they don’t take the regular season as seriously in an interview. But they pulled through, going 3-0 in the last weekend!

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

LEC 2024 Winter Tierlist

The 2024 G2 Esports have been struggling in the early game but their macro and midgame was unpaired, but they seem to have fixed that shortcoming. Now that the Playoffs are here, and they will do their best, they should be a strong contender even for playoffs – if they don’t do too much of the “funny” stuff they did during Week 1.

The 2024 LEC Playoffs will begin this Saturday at 17:00 CET – check back to ESTNN for more details about the biggest EMEA Championship!

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