Market Analysis Report (20 Apr 2021)

Source Node: 832304

Aventus Layer-2 Ethereum scaling solution pays validators their share of transaction fees from more than 8.5m historical transactions

Aventus, the layer-2 blockchain protocol that brings scalability, lower costs, and speed to Ethereum transactions, announced last week its Validator Staking Program Part 2 to allow AVT token holders to earn their share of transaction fees from Aventus Network transactions.

What is the Aventus Validator Registration Program?

The Aventus Network (AvN) main net is a second-layer blockchain protocol that brings scalability, lower costs, and speed to Ethereum transactions. 

The network relies on AVT holders as Validators who process transactions in return for a fee. The Aventus Network launched with 10 nodes, each with an equal probability of selection to process transactions.

Each node earns fees associated with the processed transactions at an average of $0.01 per transaction. And each node will have a total stake of 250,000 AVT.

AVT holders staked more than 1.5m tokens during Part 1 and now have the chance to stake up to 1m more tokens during Part 2, totalling 25% of total AVT supply.

Validator transaction fee rewards are paid in proportion to the amount of AVT a Validator associates with a node. 

Thanks to Aventus’ existing partnerships with Cashback App, Artos Systems, FanDragon, and VOW currency, Aventus Validators earn transaction fees from the processing of a minimum of 8.5m historical transactions.

Become a Validator

Validators are free to withdraw their proportional share of transaction fees associated with their nodes on a monthly basis and deposit any amount of AVT to any of the 10 nodes using the Ethereum smart contract provided. The smart contracts have undergone a security audit by an independent third-party.

The Validator Staking Program Part 2 began on March 31st and will last until the end of April.

How to earn transaction fees with your AVT as a Transaction Validator

To register for the Transaction Validator Program, visit Aventus’ Products.


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