Market Heating up for Tiny Titans NFT Collection

Source Node: 1707897

NFT Collection on BSC Launched Native TITS token

Over the past few days the market has seen lots of trading activity for the Tiny Titans NFT collection on Binance Smart Chain. On August 4th alone collectors and enthusiasts claimed 225 Tiny Titan NFTs.

The NFT project launched over a month ago and started seeing more action towards the end of July. However, the most activity can be seen in recent days. On August 1st a total of 41 wallets interacted with the smart contracts of the dapp, and that number increased rapidly to 225 wallets on August 4th. 

Source: DappRadar

The increase in activity can be attributed to two different developments in the project. First of all, the team launched the native TITS token on PancakeSwap. Users can trade TITS against BNB, as the team locked their liquidity for one year. Furthermore, the team announced that TITS will also come to the Binance exchange, while the Tiny Titan NFTs will get a spot on the Binance NFT Marketplace

Increased attention from Binance has put Tiny Titans on the map. As a result, users have been eager to claim some of the remaining Tiny Titan NFTs. Soon users can use their Tiny Titan NFTs to battle each other, earning TITS in the process. 

What are Tiny Titans

Tiny Titans is a digital collectible game in which players need to take care of their creatures, while also using them to battle. Users can create their own NFT, and then trade it, evolve it or send it to battle. Each character in the Tiny Titan series is unique and has randomly generated characteristics.

The launch of these first Tiny Titans can be considered the step in the evolution of the NFT collection. The developers plan to add a lot more Titans to the game, which will probably make these genesis ones more valuable. In addition, the team will add items to the game, for example giving Tiny Titans weapons to use in battle. Of course you will need to use your TITS to get those weapons and boosts. Another feature coming, will be the ability to merge Titans into a stronger one. Again, this will require TITS.

Furthermore, Tiny Titans will feature more than just one game mode. Aside from the battle mode, the developers will introduce additional game options. They are thinking about an arcade mode in which your Titans need to survive as long as possible. In the future, these little creatures could become the stars in more games, as they become the lead characters in an entire gaming ecosystem.

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