Meeb Master Moves To Next Level With Launch of PvP for Players To Collect and Trade Exclusive Meeb NFTs

Source Node: 1072954

Standing at the pinnacle of gaming technology, Meeb Master brings exclusive NFT gaming and DeFi incentives for gamers and crypto enthusiasts. The Polygon-based gaming platform is just getting ready to launch its much-awaited PvP feature that lets players collect and trade exclusive Meeb NFTs.

The initial version brings with it new features such as Tickets, which allow players to engage in battle. With this users can grow their Meeb Master presence, gain reward points as well as MEEB tokens! For a peek into the details of this new feature, as well as to share players’ excitement, Meeb Master has already published an informative article on the PvP feature as part of its “Get to know Meeb Master” blog series.

The project brings the chance for players to submerge themselves in a blockchain-based gaming universe that grants them the chance to earn tokens and exclusive NFTs.

The gaming project comes from Gemmob studio, with Founder Hung Le and Head of Product Linh Nguyen sitting at the driver’s seat. Both have years of experience in developing mobile games and technology. Seeking to innovate gaming opportunities for players, the company brings the players the opportunity to have true ownership of their in-game properties but also earn more from them.

As both Gemmob representatives have shared multiple times, the community stands at the center of Meeb Master’s ecosystem. In making the platform they considered especially any feedback they received from the crypto community who were likely to be their future players. Being game developers it is no secret that it’s the community which makes or breaks any project’s success. The same is also true for the crypto industry.

With that in mind, Meeb Master ran an event called “Meeb Lucky ID” consisting of a game of luck that had huge rewards. Anyone is free to join! In addition, one of their latest events “Beta Testers Whitelist Event”, which is held to collect the opinions from the community about every aspect of the game, even offers users a chance to test the beta version of their new feature – PvP – before it is officially launched. 

Initialized in March 2021, the game developers have stuck strictly to the project’s roadmap. The game’s first NFT-boosting farming feature was introduced in July 2021, following which the NFT market was released. Thousands of NFTs have been sold so far within the game ecosystem.

Meeb Master, in essence, is a real-time PvP game that is based on Polygon. In it, players can earn tokens through multiple gameplay. It also allows players to collect, fuse and trade NFT Meebs. The game employs a storyline of the Meeb world, where Meebs are alien creatures brought to the Earth when a meteorite carrying Meeb eggs hits the planet. Now, living on earth, they possess superpowers which makes them useful but dangerous.

Being Meeb trainers, players of the game can collect, tame, and train wild Meebs to make them even more powerful. Each Meebs comes with its own set of in-game and out-game statistics that indicates their abilities. The more powerful abilities a Meeb possesses, the higher chance to win a battle.

Moving forward, Meeb Master has an exciting set of new features. These include the recently launched AFK, with PvP being next in line:

AFK: Hands-free Earning

AFK stands for Away-From-Keyboard, a special feature that lets players earn even when they’re away from the game. To use the feature, players can choose up to 3 Meebs to place in the AFK chamber, one as the ‘main’ and two as ‘boosters’. The chosen ones will produce MeeCoins automatically when the players are away. This feature can also be set up to function automatically.


Fusion will provide users the chance to create new Meebs. These can have body parts that have higher power levels, higher Purity rates, or both! This feature will let players take their existing Meebs and create new ones that can have enhanced capabilities and value.


The initial version of PvP is also set to release soon. This feature will enable battles in the Meeb Master ecosystem between players. Players will receive tickets per day to join battles and try their skills. Winners in battles will receive bonus points and Meecoins as rewards.

Incentivising Players through DeFi

Calling All Crypto Enthusiasts and Gamers!

The Meeb Master ecosystem welcomes both crypto enthusiasts and gamers. Its DeFi incentives target non-gamers and also act as a way to incentivize players. It has the first NFT-boosted Farming feature in the blockchain world. Currently, it has 8 farming pools available:

  • Meeb staking pool with 10x allocation and a withdrawal fee of 0.5% within 72 hours
  • PolyDex pool with the MEEB/USDC pair, 20x allocation, and no fee
  • QuickSwap pool with the MEEB/ETH pair, 4x allocation, and no fee
  • Firebird pool with the MEEB/MATIC pair, 4x allocation, and no fee
  • SDO/USDC pool with 2x allocation, no deposit fee, and a withdrawal fee of 5% within 72 hours
  • SDS/USDC pool with 2x allocation, no deposit fee, and a withdrawal fee of 5% within 72 hours;
  • PLX pool with 2x allocation and 4% deposit fee
  • SDS pool with 2x allocation and 4% deposit fee
  • TOP pool with 1x allocation and 4% deposit fee

Not just this, but players can even choose to farm MEEB tokens with or without Meeb NFTs. If users have Meeb NFTs in their collection they can use the one with the highest productivity to lock. This will boost rewards up to 30%. In case users don’t have any Meeb NFTs, they can still farm and receive MEEB tokens. This however comes with the condition that 50% of these will be burned when harvesting.

The Meeb Master Token System

While the MEEB token is the main currency of the Meeb Master universe, other coins such as MeeCoin and AFK Coin are also integral parts of the ecosystem. MeeCoin will be used mainly in upcoming in-game features like:

  • Craft and upgrade your equipment
  • Decorate your garden
  • Feed your Meebs

Along with this, MeeCoins can also be exchanged for MEEB tokens, forming the main “play-to-earn” feature of Meeb Master.

To learn more about the platform, incentives, how users can participate and earn, head over to their website:

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