Michael, You Could Be the Next QM Award Winner!

Michael, You Could Be the Next QM Award Winner!

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March 3, 2023

Michael, You Could Be the Next QM Award Winner!

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 7:04 pm
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An item from the folks at QM.

Get the Recognition You Deserve

Nominations are now open for the 2023 “Making a Difference for Students” QM Awards.

Each year, the QM community celebrates individuals and institutions that make a difference in the lives of their students. The awards are a chance to illuminate successes and share best practices with fellow QM members.

Nomination Categories:

  • Outstanding Impact by an Individual in Higher Education
  • Outstanding Impact by a U.S. Higher Education Organization
  • Outstanding Impact by a Non-U.S. Higher Education Organization
  • Outstanding Impact by a K–12 Individual or Organization

Reasons to Submit:

  • Gain recognition for your hard work and commitment to quality — you deserve it
  • Bring more credibility to the investment you’ve made in quality assurance and gain greater buy-in
  • Help other educators see why this work is so important and motivate them to take action

Next Steps:
Who do you know that’s putting learners first and making a difference in online education? Nominate them — or yourself — today! Here’s how:

Contact us if you need additional help.

University of Toledo staff standing on campus

University of Toledo — 2022 Award Winner for Outstanding Impact by a U.S. Higher Education Organization

“Recognition from the award will further inspire UToledo Online to provide high quality services and inspire more faculty members and administrators to embrace QM standards and advance the culture of high-quality online education at our university. The award tells students that their instructors care about their learning and are dedicated to creating and facilitating quality online courses.”
— Dr. Mingli Xiao, Associate Director of Instructional Design and Development, University of Toledo

Watch submissions by 2022 award recipients to learn more about the exemplary work they are doing:

  1. University of Toledo
  2. Erin Blauvelt
  3. North Carolina Virtual Public School
  4. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Submissions are also open for the Ron Legon Leadership Award for Quality Digital Education. Presented by QM and MarylandOnline (MOL), this special honor is reserved for singular contributors to the mission of continuous improvement in digital learning. For more information and submission requirements, view the award criteria.
Winners will be recognized at the 2023 QM Connect Conference in
Bloomington, Minnesota — November 6-8.
Quality Matters QM
Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. It provides a scalable quality assurance system for online and blended learning used within and across organizations. When you see QM Certification Marks on courses or programs, it means they have met QM Course Design Standards or QM Program Review Criteria in a rigorous review process.
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