Monogram and RTI partner for remote surgery communication

Monogram and RTI partner for remote surgery communication

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Surgical robotics developer Monogram Orthopaedics is teaming up with Real-Time Innovations (RTI) to incorporate RTI’s Connext Anywhere platform for telesurgery communications.

The software will provide data flow over intermittent networks based on Data Distribution Service (DSS). The software’s Cloud Discovery Service allows Monogram to connect proprietary applications across networks.

“For remote surgery to be feasible, the system requires high-fidelity, low-latency, and secure communication over mobile and wide area networks,” said Darren Porras, Market Development Manager, Medical at RTI.

“Connext Anywhere addresses the biggest technical challenges in teleoperations today. We’re proud to be working with Monogram Orthopaedics as they break through barriers with this historic, fully remote demonstration.”

In March 2023, Monogram announced it had completed the world’s first fully remote, robotically-assisted total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Monogram combines personalised knee implants with precision robotic surgical assistants. The Austin, Texas-based company says that it can solve orthopedic surgical failures and complications using its robotic technology advances.

Current robotic surgery systems augment a surgeon’s work. Remote surgery is an emerging field that uses wireless communication to connect a surgeon and patient in different locations. Despite limitations around latency and reliability of telecommunication lines, this technology is driving the surgical robotics market which GlobalData predicts to be worth $7.1bn by 2030. Orthopaedic robotic surgical systems are predicted to constitute $2bn of this value.

Monogram launched its IPO on Thursday 18th May, raising $17m by market close.

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