MPL PH Season 7 Week 4 Recap: Aura PH lost their win-streak, Blacklist International is still undefeated

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The fourth week of the MPL PH Season 7 has recently concluded, and Blacklist International’s momentum shows no signs of slowing down. Omega Esports gave Blacklist a slight scare, but Blacklist managed to make a comeback and secured a win. Bren Esports also achieved their very first clean sweep against Work Auster Force. Aura PH lost their four-win streak in the hands of Work Auster Force, dropping them in second place in the overall rankings. Needless to say, the fourth week was very action-packed with a lot of interesting moments. Here is a quick recap of the matches that took place in MPL PH Season 7 Week 4.

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MPL PH Season 7 – Week 3 Day 1 (April 22)

Aura PH vs Cignal Ultra (2-0)

The first game is one of the fastest matches in MPL PH Season 7 as it was over in less than 10 minutes with Aura PH securing the victory. Aura Ph was always in control of the fight, thanks to Greed’s Yve gameplay, allowing Bennyqt to dominate team fights. 

During the second match, Cignal Ultra had the kill advantage, but Aura PH had a well set up rotation that allowed them to win the match. 

MPL PH Week 4 RecapCignal put up a good fight but Aura PH has the better team chemistry.

Omega Esports vs Blacklist International (1-2)

Omega Esports gave Blacklist International quite a scare as they managed to secure one win on the second match. However, Blacklist’s dynamic duo VeeWise and their prodigy Oheb was more than enough to keep their title as the undefeated team in the MPL PH Season 7.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapOmega tried to use Feeding Diggie Strategy but it wasn’t effective.

Work Auster Force vs Bren Esports (0-2)

Bren secured their first clean sweep in the MPL Season 7 against Work Auster force. The reigning world champions made good use of the capabilities of Yve as they dominated the first match. One of the most favorite heroes for MPL PH Season 7, Uranus, makes another appearance in the hands of FlapTzy together with KarlTzy’s signature hero Lancelot which resulted in another win for Bren Esports.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapA 3v4 fight yet Bren still won.

MPL PH Season 7 – Week 3 Day 2 (April 23)

Cignal Ultra vs Onic PH (1-2)

Cignal ultra dominated the first match thanks to Kairi’s Selena gameplay. Onic PH almost had a chance to flip the tied as they won the second match against Cignal Ultra. However, they pulled off a messy Feeding Diggie Strategy during the third match which put them in a very awkward position and gave Cignal Ultra the second win.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapFeeding Diggie Strategy couldn’t stop Onic from snowballing.

Cignal Ultra vs Work Auster Force (0-2)

Cignal ultra had another disappointing run as they lost against Work Auster Force in a 0-2 clean sweep match. 3MarTzy’s Benedetta made sure no one gets past their defenses as Cignal Ultra desperately tries to find a way to fight back. However, Work Auster Force had the upper hand on both matches as they kept pressing forward, pushing Cignal Ultra back against a wall preventing them from flipping the tide to their favor.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapCignal Ultra had a hard time fighting against 3MarTzy’s Benedetta.

Omega Esports vs Execration (2-0)

Yve makes another appearance in the hands of KurTzy in the first match. This made it hard for Execration to star team fights as Yve’s Real World Manipulation skills are way too much of a headache during team fights. Execration’s main problem is they cannot engage in a team fight, allowing KurTzy and Hadjizy to take control of every fight and secure a clean sweep victory for Omega Esports.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapEven with a Diggie on Omega’s side, Execration couldn’t secure a kill.

MPL PH Season 7 – Week 3 Day 3 (April 24)

Work Auster Force vs Aura PH (2-0)

Aura PH lost their four-win streak in the hands of Work Auster Force during the third week of MPL PH Season 7. Aura almost had a chance to flip the tide thanks to Bennyqt’s Martis gameplay. However, a slight misplay by the team has put them in a very bad situation as they force themselves to win a trade by tower diving and failed. This gave Work another chance to retaliate and secure a second win.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapBennyqt tower dived which cost them to lose the trade.

Nexplay Esports vs Laus Playbook Esports (2-1)

Renejay opted to take a break for the first match. This didn’t work well for Nexplay Esports as felt lost without their playmaker. Nexplay had the advantage during the second match as Renejay came back with his Claude. The duo Renejay and H2wo continued to dominate the third match forcing Playbook to play passively. The match ended with 2 wins for Nexplay Esports and one win for Laus Playbook Esports.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapLaus Playbook Esports was forced to play passively and couldn’t secure kills.

Onic PH vs Bren Esports (2-0)

Bren Esports put up a good fight with their very aggressive lineup but Onic PH’s balanced team composition proved dominant in the match. During the first game, Dlar’s Thamuz and Jay’s Estes became Onic PH’s stone wall that Bren couldn’t tear down. The second game didn’t work well with Bren Esports either, they only secured three kills compared to Onic PH who collected 17 kills in total. The match ended with victory for Onic PH with a score of 2-0.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapDlar became the Onic PH’s stone wall throughout the match.

MPL PH Season 7 – Week 3 Day 4 (April 25)

Cignal Ultra vs Blacklist International (0-2)

The undefeated team in the MPl PH Season 7 is back again with another clean sweep against Cignal Ultra. Blacklist focused on objectives than getting kills which worked in their favor in both games. Cignal Ultra went on a rampage during the second match, which put Blacklist in a bad spot with no turrets left at the 15-minute mark. However, ImbaDeejay and Aquaboy got caught up in the Lord Pit which Blacklist later secured and gave them the advantage they needed to flip the tide and emerge victoriously with two wins and zero losses.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapThe fight that gave Blacklist International the advantage they needed to make a comeback.

Bren Esports vs Laus Playbook Esports (2-0)

Bren Esports proved that they are still in the game as they dominated Laus Playbook Esports in their second clean sweep for the MPL PH Season 7. Bren’s well-disciplined rotations alongside FlapTzy’s Uranus proved to be a challenge for Playbook to counter in the first match. The second match was fairly the same, with Pheww’s impressive Yve gameplay paving the way for Bren to take control of team fights.

MPL PH Week 4 RecapPheww’s Yve and FlapTzy’s Paquito lead the team to victory.

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Work Auster Force vs Omega Esports (0-2)

Work Auster Force was very close to winning the second match and secure a third deciding game. However, Haze’s Mathilda and KurTzy’s Kagura managed to resurrect in time to fend off their push. Work tried to end the game without their minions, but Omega quickly stopped them and cost Work to lose four out of their five members. The match ended with Omega Esports securing two wins and no losses.

Keep up with the live scores, schedule, stream links, and more with AFK Gaming’s hub for the MPL PH Season 7


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