Need NFT Art Services? Check This Out!

Need NFT Art Services? Check This Out!

Source Node: 2971036

The two main components of generative NFTs are code and art.

(Read this primer on those two topics.

Plenty of our potential clients are artists, whether acclaimed or hobbyist.

But plenty of the people we speak with aren’t handy with a pen.

Or, they make physical art and could use some digital assistance.

(More on how we serve celebrities—artists or not!)

That’s why we here at Generative NFTs offer you top-notch art services as part of our premiere generative NFT agency.

Not only does our artist (and new hires coming up!) know how to make stunning digital art, but he also understands and works within the boundaries of generative NFTs. This knowledge and experience mean that you’re set up for success!

Meet our staff artist, Malcolm Smith, whom we also call our “Digital-Ink Genius.” Here’s his bio from our About page:

Malcolm has been making art non-stop since 1998. At the age of 3, he picked up a pencil and hasn’t put it down since! Supporting our clients with his artistic wizardry, Malcolm is integral to how we make our clients’ dreams into a reality. We can always rely on his creative problem-solving and artistic talent.

Inspired by graphic novels and video games—and fueled by an unending passion for drawing—Malcolm is up for any challenge that comes his way.

Here are a few of his creations:

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As a growing agency, we’ll continue to grow our art department. At present, you’re welcome to request Malcolm’s services, or we can bring in another artist to fit your desired aesthetic!

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Keep scrolling, and send us a line 🙂

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