Nested NFTs

Source Node: 1114343

Simply put, our Nested NFTs are a traditional NFT converted into a parent NFT that owns a group of child NFTs.

To understand this project better, think of it as digital art that is both nested and mutable. This art shall consist of two core components: The Parent NFT & the set of Child NFTs. Essentially, one primary NFT, called the Parent NFT, which is the full image. The different parameters that control how the primary image is customized and generated will be the group of Child NFTs. When the Child NFT is changed, it will automatically alter the Parent NFT accordingly.

The exciting part is that the owners of these child NFTs shall have complete autonomy and control over their respective attributes and can make any changes within their prescribed limit without needing any permission from the owner of the parent NFT.

The creator of the original art, i.e., you in our example, will set the parameters. As the creator, you will create the Parent NFT, and you will decide how the Child NFTs can play with it. You can limit the number of times a Child NFT can change the attributes it controls. As the original artist, you can change it as many times as you want or modify it only once. You can even set royalty commission fees that the Child owner has to pay to you to customize it. The freedom and possibilities are endless!

Suppose you’re the owner of the parent NFT. In that case, you can wake up to your NFT having completely different features, such as different colors, sizes, etc., every day or watch the NFT in your digital wallet slowly change its features right in front of your eyes as the owners of the Child NFTs play with it.


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