[NEW] Cannabis-Infused Product Handler "Freshly Released" | Green CulturED

[NEW] Cannabis-Infused Product Handler “Freshly Released” | Green CulturED

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The new training is finally here, and the big day has finally come! We just finished releasing our latest and greatest training called “Cannabis-Infused Product Handler” training (check it out here)… 🥳

Our new mastery training will not only share our PROVEN strategies but also give step-by-step details on how to execute them in the cannabis industry, so they’ll go in-depth into the theory and methodologies behind them.

And unlike so many other mastery training that sits on the “shelf” and gathers “digital dust,” this will get used… so we’re excited to make the following Learning Center announcements…

Learning Center Announcements

If you are currently a Learning Center member, this new training has automatically been added for you to INSTANTLY access our platform, so it is now accessible for you to start in the following Learning Centers:

What Are Our Learning Centers You Ask?


MembershipWhether you’re a beginner looking for a place to start or a seasoned cannabis expert looking to “up-level your skills,” our Learning Centers have everything you need to learn about cannabis to get things DONE in the industry.

Our Learning Centers come with everything a “cannabis lover” could need, including up-to-date training (so you’re always one step ahead of the competition), proven step-by-step mastery certifications (so even complex tasks get done the right way, the first time), and a community of peers (never have questions that go unanswered again).

Our Learning Centers are truly an unfair advantage for anyone who loves cannabis… since it is Green CulturED’s goal to keep your cannabis skills on the bleeding edge… we have partnered with our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to publish this training (their knowledge) via our Instructional Design team to improve your skills so you know EXACTLY what’s needed for the cannabis industry. 🤓

Introducing Cannabis-Infused Product Handler

What makes the “Cannabis-Infused Product Handler” different is this training is required for compliance in regulated markets, specifically mandated in Colorado, Nevada, California, and other jurisdictions (not just the United States).

Food safety regulators love to see this training when they conduct inspections at licensed businesses that process regulated cannabis-infused products that must meet food safety requirements (click here to read more).

In these regulated jurisdictions, the law requires that if you’re involved in cannabis-infused product manufacturing, then you must take a food health and safety education including basic food handling training that is comparable to the ServSafe® Food Handler Program.

But you can’t simply go to traditional colleges to get this kind of training in the cannabis industry anywhere. You’ll find that pretty much (even other cannabis companies) are either…

  • Not teaching it right at all, or worse…
  • Teaching it, but NOT actually doing it…

To teach it and teach it well – you have to be DOING it. The cannabis industry just moves too dang quickly for traditional educational institutions to keep up. Even if they tried, they would fail! That’s why we’re uniquely positioned to provide this training. We actually do this stuff for a living.

In this new “Cannabis-Infused Product Handler” training you will learn (read more here):

  • Foodborne Illness Causes (Highly Susceptible Populations and Worker Illness)
  • Personal Hygiene and Food Handling Practices
  • Approved Food Sources
  • Potentially Hazardous Foods and Food Temperatures
  • Sanitization and Chemical Use
  • Emergency Procedures (Fire, Flood, and Sewer Backup)

We have supported learners and businesses in dozens of niches and verticals within the cannabis industry, and we work every day to systemize our solutions so we can pass this from us to YOU!

Our Mission & Industry Impact

Our stated mission is to train 1,000,000 individuals over the next five (5) years in everything about the cannabis industry. We know we won’t hit that goal unless we equip you with the knowledge that’s required to be successful. And as you’ve already seen, training alone isn’t enough. 💥

It’s time for eLearning to grow up in the cannabis industry. Cannabis lovers” need this. Industry workers need this. Business owners need this. You need this… over the last few months, we have been tirelessly working to improve our eLearning solutions and we believe that this new cannabis training will help you become effective and efficient.

So, what is the “Cannabis-Infused Handler Product” training all about? You can check it out for yourself by directly accessing it via your Learning Center or by enrolling right NOW. Simply go here to access our new cannabis training:

Check Out Our New Cannabis-Infused Product Handler Training >>

If you’re a “cannabis lover” or professional, you need to distinguish yourself from the pack. Just look around… Everyone is calling themselves a marijuana guru”“cannabis expert”… you get the idea…

So how do you stand out from the competition? More importantly… how do those who would hire you know that you know what you’re talking about? How can they judge that you are a true professional?

By taking this training, you will learn what you ACTUALLY need to know, what you’re talking about, and that you are a true cannabis industry professional. 🤯

Enjoy our new training and happy learning!

Evan Erickson

Chief Training Officer

P.S. You’ve got to be okay with uncertainty in the cannabis industry since it is ALWAYS changing…

And we have been working with our community via our Platform Roadmap (click here) to “fix” these uncertainties… we know that there is no way our team possibly knows everything that you need – you will hit surprises, challenges, and opportunities along the way when working in cannabis. 🤓

That’s why we have our Platform Roadmap, it helps our team to factor in these uncertainties and completely removes them when you contribute to your “ideas” it allows us to change course quickly when necessary… so please add your “ideas” or VOTE on current ones… remove uncertainties now…

Let us know what you think. 

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