New Remezov airport in Tobolsk, Russia receives first passenger flight

Source Node: 1092085

Rossiya An-148 at Tobolsk airport (under construction) on 24.03.2020

Rеmezov Airport in Tobolsk, Russia has received its first passenger flight. The new airport, built in partnership with SIBUR and the Tyumen regional government, will help stimulate tourism and investment in the region.

The opening ceremony, which took place 24 September in the new airport terminal, was attended by Aleksandr Moor, the Governor of Tyumen Region, Aleksandr Neradko, head of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya), Mikhail Karisalov, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of SIBUR, and other guests of honour.

Now, travellers wishing to visit ‘Siberia’s original capital’ will be able to reach the city directly, rather than having to fly to Tyumen and take a four-hour road or railway journey to Tobolsk, as they did in the past.

The opening of the airport will improve the region’s investment potential and stimulate development in Tobolsk’s tourism-related sectors, in addition to creating new jobs and improving the quality of life for the city’s residents. Tobolsk is expected to become a key tourist hotspot in Siberia. With the launch of regular flights, the regional government aims to attract more visitors and to actively develop new types of tourism, such as industrial and gastronomic tourism. Business travellers from other regions of Russia will now have new transport options to choose from.

Passengers on the first celebratory flight were given a tour of the city’s main attractions. These included classic sights such as the Tobolsk Kremlin, the Romanov Family House-Museum and the Tobolsk Prison Castle as well as new, unexpected places, including restaurants offering original Siberian cuisine and the industrial plant of SIBUR’s Zapsibneftekhim subsidiary – the biggest petrochemical complex in Russia.  Visitors to Zapsibneftekhim were able to see the production process of polymers used in the medical, automotive, food and other industries.

Aleksandr Moor, Governor of the Tyumen Region:

This day will go down in the history of the city, the region and the country. The airport, built in the shortest possible timeframe with the assistance of the Tyumen Region government and SIBUR, will become a new driver of tourism and economic growth. I am sure that this will not be our last project together.

Aleksandr Neradko, Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia):

Today there is a bright new star in the constellation of Siberian airports. Indeed, the pace of construction of the new airport exceeded all expectations. This kind of speed has never been seen before in the history of modern Russian aviation: the airfield infrastructure – the first stage of airport construction – was built in less than two years, along with a new airport terminal, new flight safety systems, and radio and light-signalling equipment which allows safe flight operations in difficult weather conditions. All this was done by the hands of the builders. Many thanks to them! And, of course, a huge thank you to SIBUR, which has truly shown that it is a socially responsible company. An airport is always a point of attraction and development, creating new opportunities for economic, business and tourism growth. I wish the new airport safe and efficient operation, 24 hours a day.

Mikhail Karisalov, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of SIBUR:

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this major project: the builders, the Federal Air Transport Agency for their proactivity, the regional and local authorities for their sincere desire to make the airport modern, safe, comfortable and efficient, and of course, the residents of Tobolsk, who actively participated not only in the discussion of the airport name but also gave us valuable feedback during the project. We placed several key concepts at the core of this project – safety, quality of life, accessibility to other regions and speed of travel. I very much expect that from this point forward, the professional community that deals with tourism, history and culture will pick up the initiative and give life to a whole new set of concepts that will enable more people to see Tobolsk as a real gem, a city with almost 450 years of history, and fall in love with this place.”

Regular scheduled flights will begin arriving at the Tobolsk airport overnight on 16 October. Direct flights from Moscow will be operated by Pobeda airline (part of Aeroflot Group) with a minimum cost of RUB 999 per ticket, including airport fees. In the first phase, the airline will operate the route twice a week – on Mondays and Saturdays, adding a Thursday flight to the schedule from November. From January 2022, Pobeda plans to operate four flights per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The flights will originate at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport.

By the end of October, the airport will offer two flights per week to Ekaterinburg (Red Wings airline). Additional planned routes include twice-weekly flights to Novosibirsk (S7) and flights to Saint Petersburg (Aeroflot), which will operate up to four times per week. The regional routes have been approved as part of a federal programme subsidizing air transport to ensure domestic flights’ affordability, which will help reduce ticket prices and make the flights more attractive for both residents and tourists.

The Tobolsk airport was built with the support of SIBUR petrochemicals company in partnership with Tyumen Region in a record time of two years. It has a 2,400-metre-long runway capable of receiving and servicing SSJ-100, Boeing-737 and Airbus A320/321 jets. The airport terminal will be able to handle up to 380 passengers per hour.


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