New study highlights benefits of remote digital microscopy

New study highlights benefits of remote digital microscopy

Source Node: 2612764



A new study comparing laboratory workflow using remote digital microscopy versus traditional techniques found that a digital system developed by Israel-based Scopio Labs can reduce turnaround time.

Scopio Labs’ X100 Full-Field PBS system was used to review nearly 11,000 samples over two five-month periods. Specimens were scanned and then transmitted to the Laboratory Information System (LIS) where they could be viewed immediately in the laboratory or remotely by a laboratory specialist or on-call clinician

Remote view of the peripheral blood smears (PBS) slides reduced turnaround time by 41.4% and 33.1% on the first and secondary day of the weekend respectively and removed all backlogs. On the first weekday, turnaround time was cut by nearly 60%. Over the five-month period, turnaround time dropped by 15.8% and times were compared to previous digital morphology workflow.

Traditional morphology analysis can result in delayed turnaround time in clinical laboratories. Hematology labs, for example, face pressure as technology currently limits how many PBS are analysed.

Digital morphology has been gaining traction in the digital health space, with the NHS in England currently trialing digital pathology systems in select hospitals. Fujifilm has also made a move to acquire digital pathology products from Inspirata and launch its own product line.

“Scopio’s platform significantly reduced turnaround times and improved efficiency of the hematology lab’s morphology analysis,” said Dr. Ben-Zion Katz, Ph.D., lead author of the study.

“By adding remote PBS review capacity over the weekends, we were able to decrease weekend turnaround times for PBS review and eliminate a huge backlog at the start of the week, all without requiring additional staff in the lab on the weekend. We saw clinical benefits, achieved net cost savings, and provided flexibility to our skilled staff.”

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