NFT Prizes Live on Polygon for Players of the Avarice Saga

Source Node: 1113864

The Avarice Saga game players with a digital wallet will be rewarded with tokens as winnings. The other games offering NFT prizes are the escape games, kidnAPPed and Break-in, and ARG or the Apocalypse. This is the first time such prizes have been announced in the industry. The winning tokens and special edition tokens are soon to be introduced on the polygon infrastructure.

How will this pan out for players?

The rules are that if the playing team can solve the riddles, puzzles, and other tasks stipulated by the game in less than one hour, all team members stand to win the Avarice NFT at no cost.

The NFT prize concept

This idea of NFT prizes stemmed from players’ requests, says an official report from Totemtime4Teams. They say they have come to this conclusion by the work they share with over 100 leading tech corporations the world over. Working with these smart people, they have come up with this novel idea of giving out NFTs as prizes.

Why the Polygon launch?

The main reason for choosing Polygon is the affordability and the scale that Polygon offers. Moreover, the polygon infrastructure is just right for payers to redeem their NFT prizes easily. Polygon is the go-to platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. With an ever-expanding suite of products, Polygon offers developers easy access to almost all scaling and infrastructure solutions: sidechains, standalone and enterprise chains, hybrid solutions, L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), data availability solutions, and so on. As for Polygon’s scaling solutions have been widespread adoption with more than 3000 applications hosted, $5B in assets secured, ~600M transactions processed, and around ~60M unique user addresses.

Knowing Totem Time

Totem Time offers curated digital activities called “The Avarice Saga” that brings together teams on a scalable, no-guide team-building platform. In recent times, Totem time opened its doors to corporate customers to create tailored content for learning, onboarding, and other use cases.


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