NFTPort Brings Developer APIs to Polygon Studios

Source Node: 1098024

Polygon recently announced joining hands with NFTPort to bring developer APIs to Polygon Studios. Also known as the Stripe for NFTs, NFTPort is bringing new APIs to help developers build NFT apps on Polygon.

The latest integration will see NFTPort joining forces with Polygon Studios to empower developers and break down data monopolies. Building NFT solutions is challenging, and every developer knows that.

That is why NFTPort is leading the market in the development of an NFT framework that meets the developers’ needs. In addition, the framework cuts market release times by months, allowing developers to develop the product and not set up complicated NFT ecosystems.

NFTPort allows developers to find Ethereum and Polygon non-fungible token data. It includes tokens, ownership, assets, contracts, and metadata information via its APIs. Using NFTPort’s end-points, developers can tokenize anything into an NFT. It hardly takes five minutes with API calls.

The platform is also offering advanced APIs to develop complex NFT search and AI-backed recommendation engines. Since the APIs also include duplicate detection, the Polygon network will become the first network to pack such NFT counterfeit identification solutions.

Fingible, known as NFTs’ Google, is also developed using NFTPort’s advanced APIs. The platform is the first counterfeit identification engine and multi-chain non-fungible token search for end-users.

With counterfeit NFTs becoming a prevalent issue, NFTPort is primarily focusing on addressing the issue. The latest integration will save Polygon users from any fraudulent activities. The Polygon network has already used NFTPort’s APIs to build 40,000 NFTs. The numbers are even more impressive considering that it has only been two months since NFTPort’s release.

In addition, NFTPort is being adopted by both emerging and established projects. Some of the names include Deck of tux, Photure, Nifty, POAP, Gateway, and Cryptucius. Polygon Studios and NFTPort will work closely to build developer-centric APIs. Moreover, the platforms will engage with different NFT communities to find and address prevalent issues.

Why NFTPort?

NFTPort is deploying new NFT solutions to the market in hours. The platform provides an ecosystem where developers can build new apps using different APIs. The APIs will be advantageous to NFT minting and multi-chain NFT data and render a one-stop station for recommendations, search, and detecting counterfeits.

On the other hand, Polygon is renowned as the leading Ethereum framework and scaling development platform. The network allows developers quick access to multiple infrastructures and scaling solutions. It includes L2 solutions (Optimistic Rollups and ZK Rollups), hybrid chains, sidechains, data availability solutions, enterprise and standalone chains, and more.

The network’s scaling solutions have enabled the hosting of over 700 applications, 600 million transactions, 5+ billion transactions in assets, and 60 million unique user wallets. In addition, Polygon has built a dedicated NFT and Gaming arm named Polygon Studios. 

The platform bridges the gap between Web 3 and Web 2 gaming via developing, marketing, and investment support. With such functionalities in all three ventures, the integration is certain to be a hit. The partnership has thrilled developers and will profit the NFT sector as well.


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