Norton Antivirus Will Now Allow You to Mine Ethereum From Your Computer

Source Node: 899976

Mining refers to the distributed process of verifying transactions of digital currencies and adding them to a public ledger to profit from the transaction fees.

Let’s break it down a bit more. In the conventional financial ecosystem, banks update the ledgers by crediting or debiting the accounts of the parties involved in a transaction. In return, they charge a transaction fee which is how they make a profit.

With blockchains, the ledgers are distributed across the network and no central authority claims the role of validating transactions. Miners can be viewed as the banks that perform this task. In return, miners are rewarded with some coins for their effort.

The interesting part is that anyone can be a miner as long as they have the correct technology. So why isn’t everyone mining cryptocurrency yet?

Well, the mining process is computationally and energy-intensive. The sheer amount of processing power and energy input required makes it non-profitable for most miners without the right technology and energy sources.

However, even with these limitations in place, it is still possible to conduct a fairly profitable crypto mining operation from your computer.

The major challenge has to do with issues of cybersecurity. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of crypto-jacking where hackers prey on unsuspecting miners to steal their personal information or their hard-earned coins. Miners also risk having ransomware planted into their PCs.

On the extreme end of the spectrum, the possibility of miners losing access to their crypto wallets due to lost passwords or hard drive failures is always a specter to contend with.

Norton is out to address some of these challenges and provide average miners with an opportunity for secure crypto mining.


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