NSQ Leadership Team Nominations

NSQ Leadership Team Nominations

Source Node: 2632427

May 5, 2023

NSQ Leadership Team Nominations

An item from this “national standards” initiative.

Dear Michael

Thank you for being such a valued contributor to the National Standards for Quality Online Learning! Your efforts continue to make a difference for educators across the world, especially during these tumultuous times. We want to take a moment to especially thank the members of the NSQ Leadership Team. These educators have worked behind the scenes to help guide our work, and we could not be more thankful for their leadership, thoughtful input and decision making. 2023 is bringing with it some new changes, along with exciting challenges. For a few of our Leadership Team members, this means retirement, changing positions, and new endeavors. Because of this, we are currently accepting nominations for three open spots on the team.

There are 15 members of the Leadership Team and all have substantial experience in the field of distance learning. These may include K-12 and higher education, public and private schools, non-governmental organizations, the educational publishing community, etc. The members are responsible for, among other things, advising on the work of the National Standards for Quality Online Learning, reviewing new and revised NSQ policies, initiatives, and projects, for example, revision timelines, and the development of new resources, advocating for and networking on behalf of the NSQ, disseminating information about NSQ, and serving on subcommittees and task forces as needed. The Leadership Team meets online, quarterly depending on the project scope for the upcoming year, and members must be available to attend and participate actively in a majority of meetings.

If you are interested in leading the work of the National Standards for Quality Online Learning, or know a colleague who would be a good fit, we hope that you will fill out a nomination form. Nominations are due by May 21, 2023, and self-nominations are welcome. If you have any questions, use the contact information below.

We look forward to reading your nominations!

Cindy Hamblin, Allison Powell, and Christine Voelker

NSQ Program Managers

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