oak9 Unlocks Multi-Cloud Security Automation with Google Cloud...

oak9 Unlocks Multi-Cloud Security Automation with Google Cloud…

Source Node: 1918894
oak9's Security as Code platform - Architecture Lens feature - detecting security and compliance gaps within Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure.

oak9’s Security as Code platform detecting security and compliance gaps within Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure.

oak9’s Security as Code applies up-to-date security reference architectures consistently to all cloud workloads across AWS, Azure, and now Google Cloud Platform, automatically – the ultimate in cloud infrastructure security.

As organizations increase their cloud footprint, security becomes more tedious. According to HashiCorp’s State of Cloud Strategy Survey, 90% of organizations say multi-cloud is an effective business strategy. Now there’s a way to easily secure infrastructure across those disparate environments.

oak9, developer-first Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security leader, added support for Google Cloud Platform, and now fully secures multi-cloud environments. With this release, oak9 now supports infrastructure on all three major cloud service providers – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – so its customers are secure and compliant by design, pre- and post-deployment.

“Our Security as Code blueprints are cloud agnostic, and purpose-built to support the increasing adoption of complex multi-cloud and cloud native environments,” says Om Vyas, Chief Product Officer and Co-founder at oak9. “oak9’s Security as Code applies up-to-date security reference architectures consistently to all cloud workloads across AWS, Azure, and now Google Cloud Platform, automatically – the ultimate in cloud infrastructure security.”

oak9’s Security as Code platform bridges software development and security, helps organizations save hundreds of hours of work across DevOps and security teams, and aids organizations with slim security resources to stay secure and compliant.

oak9 natively supports all connected Google Cloud Platform products and services across compute, networking, storage, database, analytics, AI, and machine learning, ensuring not only that IaC is secure and compliant, but that any cloud, or multi-cloud architectures designed, built, and deployed using Google Cloud Platform are secure and compliant throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

Current and prospective oak9 customers can leverage all the powerful capabilities of oak9’s Security as Code platform on Google Cloud or in multi-cloud environments for:

  • Secure cloud architecture design
  • Dynamic compliance
  • IaC security
  • Intelligent remediation
  • Software engineering supply chain security
  • Continuous monitoring and drift detection
  • Developer-first seamless integration

Learn more about oak9’s cloud native security software.

About oak9

oak9 secures cloud native infrastructure for developers. oak9 Security as Code continuously finds, analyzes, and remediates security and compliance issues in real-time, as changes occur in infrastructure as code (IaC) and deployed cloud workloads. oak9’s proprietary Security as Code (SaC) blueprints support 20-plus compliance standards out-of-the-box including HIPAA, HITRUST, PCI, SOC2 and ISO27001. oak9’s open-sourced Security as Code also enables security engineers to extend oak9 security blueprints for additional guard rails. Headquartered in Chicago, oak9 is a Built in 2022 Start-up to Watch backed by investors Menlo Ventures, HPA, Cisco Investments, and Morgan Stanley’s Next Level Fund. oak9 partners with HashiCorp, AWS, and Microsoft, and actively supports the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Keep in touch with oak9 on LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, and TikTok, or visit oak9.io.

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