Our Top Blogs of 2022

Our Top Blogs of 2022

Source Node: 1863169

For our first blog this year, I wanted to highlight our top blogs of 2022 and share a few statistics.

Top New Blogs in 2022

Starting with a list of the most popular new blogs that we published in 2022.

The top 5 with > 12,000 views and a total of 25,000 views for the list below.

If you have not read one of these blogs or need a refresher, please click on the title.

Top Blogs in 2022

Next the blogs that we published in earlier years, ranked by their views in the year 2022. These evergreen blogs get views each day, mostly via Google search and have become prime reference articles on the topic.

The top five with > 35,000 views and a cumulative 86,000 views for these top 25 blogs.

I have also added the 2021 Rank to show which moved up and which down in 2022.

The top 5 with a cumulative 37,000 views and an average time on the page of between 4 to 7 minutes, making the cumulative time a staggering 3,400 hours for these.

Categories and Topics

We published 83 new blogs in 2022 and the most active categories were:

These categories reflect not only our own interest but more importantly what our readers find to be of value based on the view statistics data that we collect.

Website Statistics

Traffic on the Clarus website averaged 17,000 users a month in 2022.

Key Statistics:

  • We published 83 new blog articles in the year.
  • There are now 1,098 blog articles on our website,
  • 50 of these had > 1,000 views in 2022.
  • We had > 900 unique users on 70 unique days in the year,
  • The highest single day with 7,350 users,
  • The highest week with 10,560 users.
  • In 2022 our website had 410,000 page views,
  • From 275,000 sessions and 185,000 users,
  • And the cumulative time spent was 5,750 hours.

That’s enough statistics for today.

A Little Competition

As the blog articles stack up, us data geeks, (meaning Chris and I), have a little competition going.

My blog article count is currently 415 and Chris’s is 412, the gap having narrowed in 2022.

Who will end 2023 on top?

Place your bets.

Final Thoughts

We strive each week to create original content that educates, informs and interests readers.

We hope to continue to do the same in 2023.

It is gratifying that the data shows that so many of you follow the Clarus blog.

We hope you will continue to do so.

If you don’t already, please sign up for the weekly email here.

You don’t want to miss out on what your peers are reading.

And please recommend to your colleagues to sign up too.

Your support and comments are much appreciated.

I wish you all a Happy New Year.

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