Outriders: Legendary weapons and tier 3 mods guide

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Since Outriders is a looter shooter, there exists that insatiable drive to grind and farm for high-tier items like legendary weapons. Indeed, with over 40 of these “golden guns” in the game, you’re bound to start chasing these drops to complete your collection. However, another factor also has to be considered, and that’s the tier 3 mods that you can obtain (partly what makes these weapons unique). In any case, here’s our guide to help you with Outriders‘ legendary weapons and tier 3 mods.

Note: Stay tuned for our Outriders guides and features hub, coming soon. We also encourage you to check out our World Tier/progression guide, Expeditions endgame guide, and epic/legendary farming guide as these are related to the whole looter shooter gameplay loop.

Outriders guide: Legendary weapons and their tier 3 mods

Here’s the gist when it comes to the legendary weapons and tier 3 mods in Outriders:

  • Legendary items can no longer be obtained from chests. Instead, they seem to be guaranteed to drop when you kill certain bosses for the first time. Examples include the Chrysaloid and Yagak (both encounters). They may also drop at higher World Tiers when you’re doing Monster Hunts/Wanted Bounties (i.e., skull icon enemies/captains). They’ll also drop after completing high-tier Expedition runs and you can purchase them from Tiago once you reach the endgame. Lastly, there are a few sidequests that reward you with legendary items, but we’ll discuss these in a different guide.
  • Although rares/blues can have tier 1 mods and epics/purples can have tier 2 mods, only legendary/golden items have a distinct tier 3 mod. The second mod that the legendary weapon has can be tier 1 or tier 2, but it’s the tier 3 mod that makes it unique. Because tier 3 mods can only come from legendaries, you have no choice but to dismantle them if you wish to add these mods to the crafting pool.
  • Some tier 3 mods are fairly unique, though many others are just stronger versions of existing ones (i.e., basic -> improved -> ultimate). The improvements are mostly with their damage, duration, cooldown, or proc effectiveness. For instance, “Bone Shrapnel” is a tier 2 mod that makes enemies explode via killing shots (shrapnels will damage the enemy and cause a bleeding effect). Meanwhile, “Ultimate Bone Shrapnel,” which comes from the Spirit Hunter legendary, uses the same proc/effect. The difference is that it’s triggered by critical shots (you don’t need to kill anything first before the explosive proc occurs).
  • Legendary weapons can be modded (you can change either the tier 3 mod or the tier 1/tier 2 mod), and you can level them up or increase their attributes. Naturally, you can’t increase their rarity anymore, and you can’t change their variants (i.e., The Migraine, a standard variant submachine gun, cannot be turned into a tactical one).

Outriders Legendary Weapons Tier 3 Mods Guide Legendary Items 1

Anyway, here are the legendary weapons and tier 3 mods that we know of, so far, in Outriders:

Weapon Type and Variant Legendary Weapon First Mod (Tier 3) Second Mod (Tier 1 or Tier 2)
Assault Rifle (Sharpshooter) Master Tool Dome of Protection
– Killing enemies summons a bullet-stopping dome
Perpetuum Mobile
– Instantly replenishes your magazine if you kill an enemy with 30% ammo or less remaining in your clip
Assault Rifle (Standard) Absolute Zero Ultimate Freezing Bullets
– Shots inflict freeze
Improved Vulnerability Bullets
– Shots inflict vulnerable
The Juggler Scrap Grenade
– The first shot after reloading turns into an Anomaly AoE projectile that deals AoE damage
– Killing shots spawn explosives around the dead target
Thunderbird Ultimate Storm Whip
– Shots call down a lightning strike
– 30% of the critical damage you deal heals you
Time Ripper Ultimate Stiffening
– Shots inflict slow
Gravedigger’s Frenzy
– Critical shots increase your critical damage
Voodoo Matchmaker Ultimate Damage Link
– Shots link enemies to share the weapon and Anomaly damage they take
Vulnerability Bullets
– Shots inflict vulnerable
Assault Rifle (Tactical) Heir to the Desert Sandstorm
– Shots conjure a sandstorm that deals damage
Bleeding Bullets
– Shots inflict bleed
Rifle (One-Shot) Molten Eidola Ravenous Locust
– Shots create a swarm of locusts that cause damage and inflict weakness
– Critical shots do not consume ammo
Blightbearer Burst of Decay
– Critical shots create explosions that cause the toxin effect
Resistance Breaker
– Shots decrease a target’s resistance
Rifle (Standard) Raróg’s Gaze Weakness Trap
– Shots create explosions that deal damage and cause weakness
Burning Bullets
– Shots inflict burn
Twisted Mercy Ultimate Vulnerability Bullets
– Shots inflict vulnerable
– Critical shots do not consume ammo
Bolt Action Rifle (Lightweight) Spirit Hunter Ultimate Bone Shrapnel
– Critical shots detonate an enemy’s bones, creating shrapnel that deals damage and causes bleed
Bleeding Bullets
– Shots inflict bleed
The Landlubber Legendary Minefield
– Critical shots spawn explosives around your target
– Shots create an explosion around your target
Bolt Action Rifle (Standard) The Headhunter Burst of Decay
– Critical shots create explosions that cause the toxin effect
– Killing shots grant a spirit leech boost
The Iceberg Winter Blast
– Critical shots cause an AoE freezing blast
– Critical shots against frozen enemies cause them to explode
Automatic Sniper Rifle (Full Auto) Icarus Ultimate Anomaly Surge
– Critical shots spawn an Anomaly blast AoE
– Critical shots do not consume ammo
Automatic Sniper Rifle (Standard) Mindmugger Anomaly Mutation
– Shots on enemies with status effects will multiply and mutate the effect
Damage Link
– Shots link enemies to share the weapon and Anomaly damage they take
Automatic Shotgun (Narrow) Deathshield Fortress
– Receive a damage bonus based on a percentage of your armor
– 30% of the critical damage you deal heals you
The Anemoi Moaning Winds
– Reloading creates a strong blast of wind that causes damage
Anomaly Surge
– Critical shots spawn an AoE Anomaly blast
Automatic Shotgun (Slug) Funeral Pyre Shadow Comet
– Shots call down a comet to drop on enemies
Resistance Breaker
– Shots decrease a target’s resistance
The Bulwark Ultimate Anomaly Surge
– Critical shots spawn an Anomaly blast AoE
Clip of Amalthea
– 20% chance that critical shots do not consume ammo
Pump Action Shotgun (Breach) Aerie Master Weightlessness
– Shots create a time rift that raises enemies into the air
Critical Point
– Increase the chance of landing a critical hit
Body Snatcher Body Snatcher
– Killing shots teleport a random enemy to the location where the previous one died
Soul Devourer
– Killing shots regenerate a portion of your health
The High Roller Embalmer’s Rage
– Temporarily make all shots critical hits after getting a killing shot
Clip Roller
– When your magazine has 50% or less ammo, roll to reload all your weapons
Pump Action Shotgun (Standard) Anomaly Effigy Concentration Blast
– Killing shots cause enemies to explode; the damage is multiplied by the number of hostiles around the target
Weakening Bullets
– Shots inflict weakness
Darkness Charmer Grand Opening
– Landing a hit with the first bullet in the magazine causes a powerful explosion
Perpetuum Mobile
– Instantly replenishes your magazine if you kill an enemy with 30% ammo or less remaining in your clip
Enoch’s Blessing Life and Death
– Killing shots generate a healing blast that restores health to all nearby players
Gravedigger’s Frenzy
– Critical shots increase your critical damage
Golem’s Limb Golem Rising
– Killing shots grant a protective golem effect
– Killing shots grant a spirit leech boost
Paxian Blessing Life Stock
– Reloading grants a portion of health for each enemy killed since your last reload
– Killing shots grant a spirit leech boost
Submachine Gun (Standard) Fatal Symbiont Dark Sacrifice
– During combat, your weapon drains up to 50% of your health in exchange for a 75% weapon damage boost
Bleeding Bullets
– Shots inflict bleed
The Migraine Ultimate Bleeding Bullets
– Shots inflict bleed
Bomb’s Ahead
– Killing shots turn dead enemies into an Anomaly bomb
Submachine Gun (Tactical) The Daimyo Ultimate Storm Whip
– Shots call down a lightning strike
Improved Stiffening
– Shots inflict slow
Double Gun (Burst Fire) Shelrog’s Excressence Ultimate Burning Bullets
– Shots inflict burn
Hot Blood
– Shots pass through enemies that are below 50% health; ricochets and inflicts burn
Double Gun (Demolisher) Lucky Jinx Ultimate Toxic Bullets
– Shots inflict toxic
Perpetuum Mobile
– Instantly replenishes your magazine if you kill an enemy with 30% ammo or less remaining in your clip
Double Gun (Standard) Amber Vault Killing Spree
– Killing shots increase the damage of this weapon by 30%; deteriorates over time but stacks up to 5 kills
– Critical shots do not consume ammo
Imploder Deadly Disturbance
– Critical shots activate an unstable Anomaly causing an AoE explosion
Ruler of Leeches
– Killing shots increase weapon leech
Light Machine Gun (Stabilizing) Grim Marrow Singularity
– Killing shots create an Anomaly that can be destroyed; explodes and causes damage
Improved Stiffening
– Shots inflict slow
Light Machine Gun (Standard) Damascus Offering Claymore Torrent
– Shots damage up to four enemies with Anomaly blades
Anomaly Enhancement
– Receive a firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly Power
Roaring Umbra Kinetic Stomp
– Shots create seismic shock around you
Bleeding Bullets
– Shots inflict bleed
Light Machine Gun (Suppressing) The Reaper Ultimate Weakening Bullets
– Shots inflict weakness
Death Chains
– Shots entangle enemies with chains that damage them
Dual Pistols (Full Auto) Torment & Agony Judgment Enforcer
– Shots mark enemies; deal 5x damage to all marked enemies when you reload; marks are removed when you change your weapon
Clip Combustion
– Reloading your weapon causes a shockwave
Dual Pistols (Standard) Bolt & Thunder Strings of Gauss
– Shots link up to five enemies and deal electric damage
Damage Link
– Shots link enemies to share the weapon and Anomaly damage they take
Revolver (Standard) Disintegrator Strings of Gauss
– Shots link up to five enemies and deal electric damage
Soul Devourer
– Killing shots regenerate a portion of your health
Lucky Pinball
– Every critical shot ricochets to four nearby enemies dealing double the weapon’s base damage
Improved Toxic Bullets
– Shots inflict toxic on enemies

Outriders Legendary Weapons Tier 3 Mods Guide Legendary Items 2

Source: https://www.pcinvasion.com/outriders-legendary-weapons-mods-guide/

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