Paid Network Partners with PlotX

Source Node: 909626
Paid Network Partners with PlotX

PAID Network is partnering with PlotX, a one-of-a-kind crowdsourced intelligence prediction market for projects that have yet to launch. We’re excited to bring this amazing opportunity to our community!

Prediction markets are speculative investments where participants bet on outcomes of future events. Prediction markets differ from gambling as the outcome depends on information. As such, smart investors will do their research to come out on the right side of the outcome.

In essence, prediction markets serve as aggregators of information, which is why they’re picking up steam with various services like Augur and Polymarkets which are gaining traction.

PAID Network, through Ignition, is the launchpad for multiple, promising new projects. PlotX aims to enhance the IDO experience for all stakeholders by creating prediction markets for these startups pre-launch.

Project Teams: Launching a prediction market ahead of the IDO serves multiple purposes for projects. Not only does it attract many new investors to the project, it also gives the team access to on-chain opinions about their project, helping them chart the most effective strategy for the project. Projects may also integrate PlotX within their dApps to gather crowd intelligence from their community on important decision points.

Investors: Investors can signal their belief in their project publicly without appearing ‘shilly’ — while gathering information about the project they’ve invested in. They can also demystify the potential of multiple IDO markets by getting a real-time evenhanded comparison.

Crypto Media: Crypto media and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) can get validated crowd opinion on various IDOs, similar to exit polls for elections. They also get a list of curated upcoming IDOs.

Ish Goel

PAID Network’s partnership with PlotX is set to offer maximum exposure to our community. PAID’s network of over 65,000+ institutional and retail investors, 100+ partners, 50+ top crypto influencers, and more than 35k Community Members can use PlotX today.

PlotX is a cross-chain Prediction Market protocol built by the ex-CTO of Nexus Mutual (>$900m mcap).

Markets are focused on the most exciting crypto-assets like BTC, ETH, MATIC, BNB, DOGE & SHIB and are automatically created in intervals of 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week.

Dubbed as the Uniswap of Prediction Markets due to its simplicity, PlotX uses an Automated Market-Making algorithm to settle markets and distribute rewards without counterparty risk.

The PlotX v2 Mainnet was launched on the Polygon Network on 14th May with a multitude of interesting features like gasless prediction experience. The v2 app has seen significant traction from crypto traders since launch.

Learn more: Website, Twitter, Telegram, Medium, Discord

PAID Network seeks to redefine the current business contract, litigation, and settlement processes by providing a simple, attorney-free, and cost-friendly DApp for users and businesses to ensure they #GetPAID wherever they are in the world.

PAID technology leverages Plasm to operate on both Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. PAID makes businesses exponentially more efficient by building SMART Agreements through smart contracts to execute DeFi transactions and business agreements seamlessly.

PAID streamlines backend legal operations with SMART Agreements, so that projects can focus on making their brand bigger and better.

For any questions for the PAID network, please feel free to reach out to us on


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